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Presidential Blog

Reimagining safety at the University of Washington

Creating learning, working and living environments that enable each of us to be successful requires a holistic approach to safety and well-being that brings together a range of resources in a coordinated, accountable manner. And as we continuously evaluate the safety of our community, it has become clear to me — as it has to many of you — that a rethinking of how we keep our University community safe is required.

In a globally connected world, a global research university can do great things

Our University’s global reach creates incredible opportunities to advance learning and discovery for the public good in the most universal sense. So, as we celebrate Global Month this November, there are a multitude of ways to explore and connect with the world through the UW.

Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month and the many contributions of Latinx people

Although National Hispanic Heritage Month officially ends today, it’s by no means the end of opportunities to explore and celebrate the many contributions of Hispanic and Latinx faculty, staff, students and alumni to history, culture and scientific achievement

Recognizing Indigenous Peoples’ Day – and the communities and people it honors

Guest blogger Rickey Hall, Vice President/University Diversity Officer in the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity, invites us to recognize National Indigenous Peoples’ Day by reflecting on the experiences of American Indians and Alaska Natives, and recognizing the contributions Indigenous people have made, and continue to make at the UW.