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What we are doing to prepare for I-1000

I-1000, which enables state agencies and public universities to factor in characteristics such as race, gender, ethnicity, and veteran status when making admissions, hiring and contracting decisions, was passed by the state legislature this session and is currently scheduled to take effect in late July. To prepare the University of Washington for this change in state law, I have initiated a staff review of our current practices in admissions, hiring, and contracting to lay initial groundwork for implementation.

Celebrating the life of Vikram Jandhyala

On May 9, we’ll come together as a community to celebrate the life and impact of Vikram Jandhyala. Vikram was so many things: a scholar and innovator, mentor and entrepreneur, friend and colleague, son and father.

I hope you’ll join me in remembering this remarkable man and his many contributions to our University, region and world.

Celebrating the life of Vikram Jandhyala
Thursday, May 9, 2019
4 p.m.
The HUB Ballroom

Attack on Christchurch mosques is an attack on values we ALL share

Today we join the global community in grief and sympathy for the victims of the attacks on the Al Noor and Linwood Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, one of Seattle’s sister cities. This despicable act of terror aimed at Muslims is an assault on the values honored by ALL people of good faith: love, peace, friendship and awareness of our shared humanity.

Mourning the loss of Vikram Jandhyala

This has been a difficult quarter for our community. We’ve experienced several heartbreaking losses, including some recent tragic losses in our student community. Some of these losses have been private, and some well-known, and all are profoundly felt by the family and friends left behind. I’m deeply saddened to report another loss for our community. Vikram Jandhyala, UW vice president for innovation strategy, has died by suicide.

Snow disruptions

This past week, Mother Nature reminded us who is in charge — giving Seattle our largest snowfall in 70 years. And she’s still at it. With more snow in the forecast, we expect continued fluidity this week in campus operations. Sign up for UW Alert and see for the most current information as we continue to evaluate conditions for tomorrow.