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What a joy to welcome the Special Olympics to the UW  

It is truly wonderful to have the Special Olympics 50th Anniversary Games in Seattle this year, and the University of Washington is honored to have many of the events on our campus this week, beginning with Sunday’s opening ceremonies. Part of what made the ceremony so meaningful was hearing from so many different people, including athletes, elected officials and business leaders, about why inclusion matters and how we all benefit when everyone’s talents and voices are welcome. I think Tim Shriver, Chairman of Special Olympics International, may have put it best when he said, “Exclusion is always wrong.” I hope everyone in our community will find an opportunity to share in the joy and excitement of the games this year and that we will all seek out ways to infuse the Games’ spirit of inclusion in everything we do.

The 2018 Special Olympics opening ceremonies at Husky Stadium
The 2018 Special Olympics opening ceremonies at Husky Stadium
UW President Ana Mari Cauce, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and President of Kaiser Permanente Washington, Susan Mullaney
Getting ready to enter Husky Stadium with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and President of Kaiser Permanente Washington, Susan Mullaney
Representatives of the Coast Salish Sea Peoples at the Special Olympics opening ceremonies
Representatives of the Coast Salish Sea Peoples at the Special Olympics opening ceremonies
Chairman of Special Olympics Tim Shriver
Chairman of Special Olympics Tim Shriver emphasized the value of inclusion


Separating children from their families is cruel: The evidence is clear

The horrific images we’re seeing of children separated from their parents as part of the federal government’s new immigration policy are all the more devastating because I know what that trauma means for the children and their families. The fact that American tax dollars are being used to knowingly inflict lifelong trauma on children is a stain on our national character.

Academic student employees ratify contract

Sunday evening, UAW 4121 announced that the proposed 3-year contract with academic student employees had been ratified by a 62 percent to 38 percent margin (1476 to 918). We are heartened by this result because this contract continues the progress we’ve made in recent years in elevating wages and benefits for ASEs, and also means that undergraduates can finish their courses as planned. Academic student employees are critical to our success as a world-class research university, and this new contract represents our commitment to them and to ensuring fairness for all UW students.

We recognize that our region’s sky-rocketing housing costs are placing real financial stresses on our ASEs, along with other members of our community, and we look forward to working together during the legislative session on behalf of funding for higher education and our top priority, which will continue to be better wages for all our employees.

The negotiations were lengthy, spanning 22 sessions, and we want to thank the negotiators from both sides, as well as all those who made their voices heard constructively throughout this process. We also want to thank all the faculty and staff who made preparations for mitigating the effects on undergraduates of a strike that, fortunately, will now not take place. Students should consult with their instructors to confirm plans for finals and for concluding the quarter and academic year, and we look forward to joining the entire community in the coming days as we celebrate graduation.

Addressing a potential ASE strike

As we shared recently, we are committed to a fair contract for the University of Washington’s academic student employees. ASEs are an integral part of the University, and the UW continues to negotiate with their representatives in good faith. It’s very disappointing that with two negotiating sessions still scheduled before June 2, the United Auto Workers Local 4121 (UAW) has announced a strike for June 2-15.

Our commitment to a fair contract for ASEs

The UW is firmly committed to ensuring that teaching assistants, research assistants and all Academic Student Employees (ASEs) are fairly compensated for that work. That is why five years ago we made a commitment to the shared goal of raising the median wages of teaching and tesearch assistants and other ASEs to be in alignment with their peers in the Global Challenge States and on par with the University of California system. Over the last five years, the base salary for ASEs was increased between 3 percent and 11.59 percent each year, for a compounded rate increase of 50.4 percent.

Understanding, preventing and responding to sexual harassment

I sent the following message to all University of Washington faculty and staff today and I think it’s worth sharing with our whole community. Sexual harassment has the potential to affect everyone and it’s an issue we can and must work together to prevent and address. 

As the #MeToo movement has brought attention to the pervasive issue of sexual harassment in our culture, the University of Washington reaffirms our deep commitment to preventing and addressing sexual harassment in our community. Sexual harassment is devastating for victims, and too often, survivors do not get the support they need when they come forward. Our University is dedicated to fostering working and learning environments that are free from sexual harassment and all forms of sexual violence and discrimination.

Training resources:

In-person, unit-based training can now be scheduled through your Human Resources consultant

Monthly prevention of sexual harassment in-person training through Campus Staff Human Resources. Register here

Video training Addressing Sex Discrimination & Sexual Harassment for staff, faculty and other academic personnel

Bystander training to identify and interrupt instances of interpersonal violence, including sexual harassment and sexual violence is offered regularly on the Seattle campus and by request at other UW locations

We are all responsible for understanding what sexual harassment is, taking action to prevent it from occurring, and knowing how to respond if it does occur. Beginning May 1, 2018, all schools, colleges, campuses, divisions, departments, programs, and offices can request in-person, customized training through Human Resources. In addition to the training focused on staff responsibilities offered through POD, this customized training can now be scheduled on a by-unit basis and geared to any combination of staff and faculty. Contact your Human Resources consultant to schedule a training.

These sessions will expand on a new training video, produced by Human Resources, Academic Personnel, and Compliance Services, “Preventing Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in the Work Environment.” I expect every faculty and staff member to watch this training video. Look for additional training topics and resources to be made available this fall.

University policy also prohibits all employees from engaging in romantic relationships with students that create a conflict of interest or can be perceived to create a conflict of interest. It also prohibits exercising authority over a student with whom the employee has had a romantic relationship. Our policies also address potential conflicts of interest between employees. If you have questions or concerns regarding these policies, how “conflict of interest” is defined, or about developing a formal plan to manage a potential conflict, contact your supervisor, department chair or Human Resources or Academic Human Resources consultant.

The resources and trainings I’ve shared here are valuable, but we recognize that there is more work to be done. A Title IX workgroup is developing recommendations for enhanced education and outreach. Another group is addressing how to best assess our university climate on these issues, and a third is further clarifying employee responsibilities in preventing and responding to sexual violence and sexual harassment. The Title IX Steering Committee will be reviewing their recommendations in Autumn Quarter and the Faculty Senate will lead discussions about the significant role that faculty play in preventing and addressing sexual harassment. I look forward to sharing the results of this work with you.

If you have experienced or are aware of sexual harassment occurring at the UW, please inform your supervisor, department chair, unit administrator or Human Resources/AHR consultant, or call SafeCampus at 206-685-7233. You can also connect with a confidential advocate who will provide information about your rights and support resources. You may also reach out to Interim Title IX Coordinator Valery Richardson at or 206-616-9713.

As a community devoted to public service and grounded in respect for the inherent dignity and worth of every person, we share a responsibility to ensure that sexual harassment is never tolerated here. We all have an obligation to live up to those ideals, and to support each other in fostering a safe and healthy place to work and learn.

DACA program remains in limbo, UW is committed to Dreamers

Today marks six months since the executive order to end the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was issued, which, at the time, was the deadline for the program to end. Despite popular support for protecting the Dreamers, there has been no legislative action yet from Congress to create a fix. However, the program continues to be in effect, based on the rulings of two U.S. district courts and last week, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to fast-track cases related to DACA. This means the DACA-related cases will continue to work their way through the courts and for now, the program will remain in limbo.

Encouraging our lawmakers to reauthorize the HEA

Right now, Congress is considering a number of different bills that would reauthorize the Higher Education Act (HEA). The HEA was first enacted in 1965, and periodically reauthorized, to strengthen our nation’s colleges and universities and expand access to higher education for more Americans. The University of Washington strongly supports the reauthorization of the HEA, which is more vital than ever as more and more of our economy’s best jobs are requiring a four-year credential.

In support of reauthorization, including specific provisions that we believe will best serve the people of Washington and the nation, I have written to the Senate HELP Committee leadership as well as to all of the members of Washington’s  Congressional delegation. In my letter, which you can read here, I encouraged our Senators and Representatives to help protect our students, our economy and our future in partnership with higher education.