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Responding to those hateful flyers

You may be aware of recent instances of racist flyers appearing at or around the UW. We, of course, condemn expressions of hate as antithetical to not just our University’s and nation’s values, but to fundamental human values. When such flyers are put up in unauthorized or inappropriate places, like the sides of buildings, we take them down. If you see such posters, you can take them down as well, but your best course of action is to contact the UWPD to take them down. You can email notifying them of the date, time and location of the posting/image and whether or not it was removed.

Standing together

No matter who you are, where you’re from, whom you love, where or whether you worship, or any other aspect of your identity, we welcome your contributions to helping the University of Washington maintain its commitment to access and excellence, to building a better and more equitable future, and creating a world of good.

The test of free expression is protecting speech that offends (Updated)

I want to state clearly, especially to the thousands of people who have contacted my office with concerns about an upcoming visit by a speaker known for racist and misogynist provocation, that we understand and empathize with their objections and frustration. Nonetheless, the right to free speech and expression is broad and allows for speech that is offensive and that most of us would consider disrespectful, and even sexist or racist. As a public university committed to the free exchange of ideas and free expression, we are obligated to uphold this right.

Our shared ideals

In the aftermath of this very close and highly contentious election, I want to take this moment to reaffirm our University’s commitment to our mission of education, discovery, healing and public service. I also want to reaffirm our ongoing and unwavering support toward creating and nurturing an inclusive, diverse and welcoming community.

We are all accountable for justice and equity

As interim president, I spoke to our university about racism, equity and the need for each of us to take personal responsibility for addressing our own biases and improving our University culture. We committed to deepen the work of more systematically combating racism and inequities, both individual and institutional, which persist here and throughout our society.

President Cauce speaks at Business Journal Live event on what’s next for the UW

UW President Ana Mari Cauce at Puget Sound Business Journal Live eventThis Wednesday, August 17, President Cauce sat down with Puget Sound Business Journal columnist Patti Payne for a wide-ranging discussion about the University, her experience thus far as president and what the future holds for the UW. Topics at the breakfast event, attended by dozens of Seattle business luminaries, ranged from the incoming freshman class to the Population Health initiative to the Husky Promise, the UW’s commitment to making education affordable to eligible Washington students. The Puget Sound Business Journal’s TechFlash blog followed up the event with a story, linked below, focused on the Global Innovation Exchange, the UW’s groundbreaking partnership with China’s Tsinghua University.

Puget Sound Business Journal: “UW president lays out vision for Global Innovation Exchange”


Standing together for justice

Dear faculty, staff and students:

We both love the University during its high-energy moments — crowded hallways and walkways, the chatter on Red Square so loud we have to close our windows to concentrate. Yet, as June rolls around, we look forward to the bittersweet joy of graduations, the warmer weather and quieter times that offer a chance to reflect, plan and relax.

Not this summer. Hours after graduates and their families proudly streamed out of Husky Stadium, we heard about the 49 people, mostly Latino gay men, slaughtered in Orlando. Yet again, hours after celebrating on the Fourth of July, there was devastating news of the death of Alton Sterling, followed almost immediately by Philando Castile, killed at the hands of police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Falcon Heights, Minnesota. There was no chance to take a breath or grieve appropriately before news came from Dallas of the five police officers fatally shot. And all this against a backdrop of international terrorist attacks in Bangladesh, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, attacks that affect our community as well. Promising lives cut short, families torn asunder, scenes of horrific violence seared into our consciousness, images of children and parents sobbing. We are heartbroken — for the dead and their families, for their friends and communities, for our country and world.

It is tempting to feel helpless and hopeless, to look for easy answers, draw a line in the sand and choose sides.

But we can’t. And we won’t.

Quote: "Our students give us hope every day that real change is possible — they challenge us to have difficult and uncomfortable conversations. They push us to reflect the world we wish to build."

The essence of our mission as a public university is to educate, shape and prepare generations of students not simply to exist in our world, but to create change for the betterment of all. We are driven to take up the biggest challenges we face, whether it’s improving the health of our communities, addressing climate change, healing a nation divided and in crisis, or forging a united path forward.

Our students give us hope every day that real change is possible — they challenge us to have difficult and uncomfortable conversations. They push us to reflect the world we wish to build. Our faculty, alumni and many in our community have shown us — both now and over many years — that education, self-reflection and determination can lead to structural, systemic progress. We have not done enough — these heartbreaking times show that clearly — but we cannot let up, even if the path forward is uncertain.

The burden of addressing racism and inequity in this country, as well as violence around the globe, falls to all of us. Too often, only those who are its direct victims carry the load. But the burden is collective, and we must, all of us, take responsibility for the environment we are creating. Our students are already getting together in groups to share their sadness and anger. We will work with them to create safe spaces for healing and analysis, and look forward to joint conversations about their, our and the University’s role in standing up to fear and hatred and violence. We are in this struggle together, and our work has never been more important.


Ana Mari Cauce
Professor of Psychology
Jerry Baldasty
Provost & Executive Vice President
Professor, Department of Communication

My life in administration: From accident to career (Denice Denton Emerging Leaders Workshop keynote)

Cauce Denice Denton Emerging Leaders keynote[Each year, the Denice Denton Emerging Leader ABIE Award recognizes a junior faculty member for achievements in research and for positive impact on diversity. The award honors Denice D. Denton, who served as Dean of the UW’s College of Engineering before being appointed as Chancellor of the University of California, Santa Cruz. In June, the award recipients held a faculty development workshop at which President Cauce delivered the keynote address. Remarks as prepared for delivery.]

Good morning. Thank you, Reza, for that kind introduction. From your groundbreaking work in applying nanotechnology to healthcare challenges, to your role as chair of the Denice Denton Emerging Leader ABIE Award, you’re helping to transform the future for tomorrow’s scientists.

It’s an honor to be here, both in support of developing strong, diverse leaders in academia, and in memory of my friend and colleague, Denice Denton. Her life’s work stands as a testament to the transformative power of mentoring to make the world a better, wiser and more inclusive place.

I was invited here to talk about leadership and to share a little about my own path and the lessons I’ve learned – some of them the hard way – from more than 30 years in academia. But before I do that, I want to say a few words about Denice, whose absence is felt every day, by so many of us.

To put it bluntly, Denice was a kick! When she danced the whole house would shake, she’d call me out of the blue for a “food emergency” and I knew it meant a truly delicious meal, and when we’d ride our bikes to shake off the stress of long weeks of work, she found a way where we could ride to the lake – all downhill – then put our bikes on the bus, and relax on the way back. She was truly a force of nature, and the world is a little less bright without her in it.

But, more to today’s point, Denice truly cared about students. And she believed passionately in the need to educate more people, particularly women, in the STEM fields. She believed that our failure to nurture women in these fields compromised our country’s competitiveness and she wasn’t afraid to speak up about it either. She was committed to increasing social justice – for minorities, for gays and lesbians, for immigrants and international students and faculty.

Denice was the first woman to reach a lot of heights – at the University of Washington as the first female dean of engineering at a major research university, and at UC Santa Cruz as the first woman chancellor – but what made her really special was everything she did to lower a ladder from those heights once she got there. Her legacy, the students and faculty she mentored and inspired, is one that will last forever. We honor her by continuing to pass the torch, lighting the way for each new generation of scholars.

I am also a “first” at the UW – the first woman, and the first Latina to serve as permanent president. (as well as the first openly gay president and the first “internal” president in modern history). If you held up pictures of all the UW presidents in history, even a 2-year-old could point out the one who’s not quite from central casting. If you are going to shatter glass ceilings – why not do it with style! I’m proud to be where I am and I hope that, like Denice, my work is serving to make opportunity, in academia but also in other fields and settings, more equitable and accessible for people who have historically been left out and marginalized.

Although I would never discount the advantages and privilege I’ve had in the past and that I enjoy now, I feel I can empathize to some degree with people who face obstacles because of where (or what color or sex) they were born. I was born into a family that fled from Cuba to Miami when I was a toddler. My parents, like many refugees, were educated people who took factory jobs to support their children. And though they had little money, what they did have was optimism and a belief that education was the key to a better life. That belief sustained and fueled me through my education and eventually led to not just a career, but a calling as an educator. I went to college with the help of scholarships and I’m profoundly grateful for the sacrifices my parents made and the generosity that allow me to stand here today.

I was also mentored and encouraged by teachers and scholars who continue to inspire me. As a graduate student at Yale, I had the privilege to be mentored by Edmund W. Gordon, whose work in psychology, education and African American studies influenced not just me, but a generation of psychologists. I bring this up because Ed, in turn, had been mentored by the legendary sociologist and activist W.E.B. Du Bois. I’m proud to bear the torch passed down from these great change-makers and I see it as my responsibility to honor their legacy by doing the same. That’s why ensuring students have access to excellent education has been and continues to be a priority for me. It’s what drives me – every day – to help create a world of good.

Until quite recently, I described myself as an “accidental administrator” because, like many faculty, I didn’t think of it as a wholly honorable career; I had little appreciation for hierarchy, bureaucracy or process, so how could I ever be an administrator? Which is ironic, because I now realize I’ve been doing some form of administration for virtually my whole career.

I first began doing administrative work right after achieving tenure when I became the director of clinical training within the UW Department of Psychology. Although the job required me to guide the Ph.D. program through an accreditation visit and implement some major programmatic and curricular changes, I didn’t yet think of myself as an administrator; I was still a teacher and researcher first, “doing my time” and looking forward to rejoining the faculty after my five-year term.

Well, that five-year term turned into a seven-year term, and when that was over, I was unexpectedly asked to serve as chair of American Ethnic Studies, a department which, at the time was, frankly, in disarray. I was inspired to say ‘yes’ to what turned out to be a very challenging assignment in part because my mentor, Ed, had come out of retirement to chair the CUNY’s Black Studies department during a period of turbulence. Being inspired to follow his example didn’t necessarily make my job chairing the department easy or fun, but it did serve to motivate me, and that’s a wonderful gift to get from a mentor. He used to tell me – you’re exactly where you are needed – something I’ve been telling myself a lot these days…

As chair, I had walked into a fraught and politicized situation, but nothing could have prepared me for the onslaught; my first day on the job, I found the hallway outside my office papered with a picture of me with crosshairs superimposed on my face and emblazoned with the headline “Under Fire.” Students protested my appointment with a sit-in that shut down the administration building during a Regents meeting. I had to dig deep within myself to find my center.

I’m proud to say that after a year in that role, we had made significant strides toward turning the department around and improving student satisfaction and morale, and although I didn’t realize it at the time, I had become hooked on administration. I discovered I enjoyed bringing disparate groups to the table and the satisfaction of building (or rebuilding) a department. I actually like the excitement of decision-making under pressure – guess I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie.

Somewhat to my surprise, I’ve found that my training as a scientist and clinician in psychology has been a distinct advantage in being an administrator. Back when I was doing clinical supervision, I often told students that instead of working with a scalpel of stethoscope or with petrie dishes or test tubes “they” were the tool they used to do the research – that the first thing you need to know to become an effective therapist is yourself. As an administrator, I find myself falling back on that part of my training. And what do I know about myself? I know I can get frustrated with bureaucracy and I know I can occasionally be a hothead. Knowing that, I have sometimes literally sat on my hands to tamp down my impulse to speak when I know that listening is more important, or made an excuse to exit a meeting before saying something I know I’ll regret.

Having a researcher’s outlook has also been valuable to me in solving administrative problems. Leading a lab, writing grants, budgeting and conducting research in community settings – they all have their analogs in administrative roles.For example, when I was chairing American Ethnic Studies, where my appointment was viewed, at first, with suspicion and even hostility, I visited every class to talk to students, and I listened more than I spoke. I also handed out a survey to assess their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with every aspect of the program. The results provided the framework for developing common goals. That experience reinforced for me the importance of collecting data and analyzing the results before acting on impulse or following whichever way the wind is blowing. A decision based on evidence will almost always deliver a better outcome than one based on pure intuition – although sometimes that IS the best that you have, and then you listen to it.

Being a teacher has also been key. I’ve found that good leadership, like good teaching or mentorships, is about creating the conditions and pathways for others to succeed and knowing that their success is yours.

Since becoming president of the University of Washington, I’ve certainly had my leadership skills and philosophies tested. Despite having worked for 30 years at the UW (where I thought I knew all there was to know about a place), and even despite having served as provost, nothing can totally prepare you for being the president, in both good and bad ways. (For one thing, you get asked to speak at a lot more places!)

Without question, being president means getting the opportunity to do big things. It’s exciting and it’s a tremendous responsibility, particularly at place with the reach of a global, public research institution like the University of Washington. My responsibility and my passion are to ensure the UW is a place that delivers on its mission to serve the public good.

There are countless ways in which the UW can and does serve the public interest, but one of the most important and impactful ways is to make access to an excellent education something that any Washington resident can reasonably aspire to, regardless of ZIP code, socioeconomic status, race or ethnicity. You won’t hear a lot of university presidents say this, but I am not looking to raise the average SAT score or GPA of incoming students – although I’m not looking for them to fall, either! You will never hear me take pleasure in denying anyone the opportunity to pursue a degree or bragging about “selectivity” (Want to be judged by the students we educate, not those we reject). What I want is to create opportunities for the student who wants to do something innovative and world-changing with a UW education and diploma. I want a university that cherishes diversity as a core value, for the ways in which it makes all of us better, wiser and more equitable. But, at its core, my main job as president is to help others succeed.

To be the kind of institution that truly respects differences and welcomes many different kinds of change-makers, the UW must to do more than just admit a diverse student body (although that’s obviously important). We have to be an institution that makes everyone feel welcome and valued. I’m deeply concerned about the effects of systemic or institutional racism, the biases and barriers that diminish our capacity as a society, or in this case, as a university, to truly fulfill our public promise of both access and excellence. That’s why I was excited to launch the Race & Equity Initiative, a plan to begin to come to grips with racism and inequity at an institutional level, a task which will always be about struggle more than outcome. Working towards social justice is more a journey than a destination, because each time you move forward and look at the world from a more enlightened perspective, you realize that there is more to be done. So, it’s important to also practice self-care and build your own support system.

We launched the Race & Equity Initiative a little over a year ago, and while I’m very proud of the work that we have done to give shape and some substance to this plan, but the truth is that change like this does not happen quickly enough, much to my frustration and even more to the dismay of more than a few of the student activists I engage with. Universities are one of the few places where generations work together closely, and the push pull between youth and age is part of the excitement. Never fast enough for students, but their pushing keeps us oldsters from becoming too complacent about the real changes we’ve seen in our lives. At the same time, our longer arc of experience can serve as a reminder that things do, in fact, change. As an administrator, as a leader, the challenge is keeping the dialogue and engagement productive across differences, including generational differences, even when we can’t always come to complete agreement.

There’s no question that student activism plays an important role in driving change and progress in universities, and at many moments in history, well beyond the campus. Student activism also plays a part in educating students about the reaches – and limits – of their power, and about the different ways to engage in debate with the decision makers and how different forms can complement each other (couldn’t have King without X). As an administrator, being the subject of protests, has taken some getting used to, in part because historically, I’m more used to being on the side of the protesters.

When you grow up wielding power from the margins, the move to the center can be jarring. But I think that experience has been valuable to me, and I draw upon it when the rhetoric gets rough, and sometimes personal, something that I know was quite difficult for Denice after becoming Chancellor. On the one hand, some will label you a sell out because you chose to change the system from the inside, which some believe just isn’t possible (you can’t dismantle the master’s house with his told), on the other the pressure to fit into the box of what leaders are supposed to look like can be great. It’s only a half joke when I say that when I write my memoirs it will be called “Confessions of an administrator: How I became a straight, White man.”

As president, a target on your back comes with the job; I am the public face of the university. As the steward of a public good I must work within the policies of our state; civil disobedience may be something I can do in my personal life, but not as President. Sometimes, what I think personally is not what I must do, and my own attempts to work for change are from within the system – a choice you can argue with, but it’s the choice that I’ve made and that feels right for who I am. Learning to absorb criticism and manage my own frustration while balancing my responsibilities within the real-world is a balancing act I’m still figuring out; I don’t expect it will ever come easily, in fact, I hope it doesn’t. One of the things I most treasure from being “internal” is that I work with many decades old friends who will call me out when I start feeling too comfortable in this role.

Everyone’s path and opportunities will be different, so I find it hard to give generic advice about academic leadership. (And, truth be told, I don’t have a lot of use for leadership books that claim to impart the secrets of leadership.) I can only recount what has worked for me, which is why I’ve talked mostly about my own experiences, struggles and successes. So, take this with a grain of salt because what’s worked for me may not work for everyone, but I believe that diversity in all things, including academic leadership styles, is good.

That said, there are a few pieces of advice that I believe apply across the board, including hiring a first rate senior staff and professional staff. At a university, the vice presidents, vice provosts and deans do the managerial heavy lifting, and the professional administrative staff in the upper tiers of budgeting, finance, IT, human resources and administrative support (to name just a few) provide continuity and know-how that a leader, new to a role, won’t have yet. Never settle on a candidate until you find the right person and inculcate that practice throughout the organization. A failed search is better than a failed hire.

Self-monitoring has proven to be essential to a job in which you are always surrounded by people and frequently dealing with high-stakes situations. How you act will signal to others how to act; if you seem panicked, others will panic. If you can maintain your calm and appear confident, it will help others stay grounded and focused on solving the problem. You set the tone.

What has helped and sustained me in maintaining a sense of calm is a deep love of place and an intimate knowledge of its people and practices. The University of Washington is my home, although I certainly didn’t expect that to be the case when I first arrived there 30 years ago. But I’ve grown to love Seattle and the Pacific Northwest, which has an almost unmatched physical grandeur and beauty. More than anything, however, I have developed a love of the UW (or perhaps here I should say, the OTHER UW). Universities like ours create limitless opportunities to change the whole world for the better.

I’ve talked a lot about what my own leadership path – however accidental! – has looked like, so I will wrap up with a few words on what others’ paths might entail. For most academics, the opportunity to take on administrative roles within their departments will come if you’re open to it. There are more than enough faculty who actively wish to avoid administrative duties, so if you’re seeking those opportunities and willing to devote time, attention and brain space to them, you will be welcome in most departments. Junior faculty should volunteer for rotating administrative posts within their departments. In general, I’ve found that talented leaders who wish to lead will always find a way and an opportunity to do so.

I first became an educator because it seemed to me to be the surest way that I could make a difference, in the world – through my own work, and through the work I could do with students. Like all of you, I expect, I believe to my core that education is the key to a healthier, more prosperous, more just and equitable society. I believe it has the power to transform individual lives and whole nations. And, so when challenges and opportunities (because they are generally one and the same) presented themselves, I stepped up rather than back. And those steps led here, to somewhere I have never expected —

I hope you have those same – or even greater opportunities – in your careers. And by taking part in this workshop, and learning in the spirit of Denice Denton and leaders like her, I’m confident you will.

Thank you very much. I look forward to your questions.




Foster Pepper’s ‘Wine, Women & What’s Happening’ keynote address  

anamari-cauce[Each year, Pacific Northwest law firm Foster Pepper hosts “Wine, Women and What’s Happening,” an event that brings together a diverse group of women leaders from around the community and across different industries. This year, President Cauce delivered the keynote address. Remarks as prepared for delivery.]

Hello everyone. I want to start by thanking all of you for your support of the UW. I know we have alumnae here, we have parents and family members of our students – and as taxpayers and friends, you are all a part of the UW family, part of what makes our university a one of the world’s great public universities, so thank you. The University of Washington is your university and we’re proud to serve you.

And a big thank you, Judy, for that kind introduction. As a former teacher, you understand how important education is to building a healthy, thriving society. And as a graduate of the UW School of Law, we are so proud to claim you as one of our own. Your work for non-profit and charitable organizations has helped improve life for people in the Puget Sound Region, especially women, and I’m honored by your invitation to speak here today.

This may be the first time I’m meeting some of you, and since you asked me to, I thought I would begin with a little bit of my own story. Since I became the “official” president of the University of Washington last October, I’ve said that if you held up pictures of all the UW presidents in history, even a 2-year-old could point out the one who’s not quite from central casting. I’m proud of the many “firsts” I represent, and I’m also proud to have been an internal candidate, because the UW and Seattle are my home.

I came to the UW in 1986 to teach in the psychology department as a clinical psychologist. I was new to Seattle and the Pacific Northwest, and, to be honest, I didn’t really expect to stay here forever. But a funny thing happened – I fell in love with this place. It seemed to me to be a place where you could do big things.  And it is!  I see that over and over at the UW, and the accomplishments of all of you in his room are also a testament to achievements of this community.

This place, the Puget Sound, was like nowhere I had ever lived – the mountains that seemed to rise from the sea; the forces of nature everywhere. The unlimited possibilities to reach and create – it inspired me then and it inspires me today.

You may have heard I was born into a family that fled from Cuba to Miami when I was a toddler. My parents, like many immigrants, were educated people forced to take factory jobs to support their children. And though they had little money, what they did have was optimism and a belief that education was the key to a better life.

That belief sustained and fueled me through my education and eventually led to, not just a career, but a calling as an educator. I went to college with the help of scholarships and I’m profoundly grateful for the sacrifices my parents made that have allowed me to stand here today. It’s why ensuring students have access to excellent education has been and continues to be a priority for me. And it’s what drives me – every day – to make this world a better place.

How does this translate into my leadership at the University of Washington? It means the crucial work we do on behalf of both Access and Excellence is deeply personal to me.

The UW provides access to an outstanding education to more than 40,000 students on three campuses and thousands more through online programs. Washington students are our priority and we are educating and preparing the young people of our region in record numbers, particularly those students who are from modest means and underrepresented groups. I’m so proud that fully a third of our students are the first in their families to attend college. We admit students without consideration of financial means and, thanks to the Husky Promise, ,low-income students who enroll at the UW will have support — nearly 32% of our Washington students – those who need our support the most — pay no tuition at all.

You’ll never hear me brag about the rise in the average entering SAT score or GPA of our incoming freshmen. Our goal is to admit the most students who will do the most good for the world. It’s to attract and welcome innovators and big thinkers, who bring uncommon perspectives and a drive to do. Because innovation is what we do very well at the UW – you don’t even have to take my word for it: Reuters has ranked the UW as the most innovative public university IN THE WORLD.

Now innovation comes from the other half of the equation which is EXCELLENCE. The UW’s impact on our students’ lives and on the vitality of our region and the world is made possible by decades of investment in academic excellence at all levels. Our research impact is well known – name pretty much any issue you are concerned about – national security, heart disease, your child’s learning patterns or the transportation problems in our region – and I can promise you that UW faculty and students are influencing that issue positively. What is perhaps less well known is the incredible teaching – and teachers – that also impact our students every day as faculty and students work together in the Husky Experience. More than 8,000 students participate in hands-on research with top faculty in their fields. Thousands of students embark on internships and service trips annually. I like to say this is a place where we take motivated students of modest means, expand their vistas and launch them into the stratosphere – where they do remarkable, world-changing things.

Now, when I talk about innovation at the UW, I’m talking about inclusive innovation – new ideas, new jobs, new companies created to tackle the challenges that face our city, our region and our world. Innovation that considers not just how we can “disrupt” but also who is being disrupted and how innovation can contribute to the public good.

Which brings me one of the major priorities for the UW that I discussed publicly for the first time yesterday.

I believe that one of – if not the biggest ways the UW can innovate in the service of public good is to put our collective talents to work improving the health and well-being of people here in the Pacific Northwest and all over the world. Yesterday, I invited our community to join in developing a new vision to put our collective excellence to good use. I shared the first steps for establishing a 25-year vision for how the UW, together with the incredible organizations and people in this region, can take work to better people’s lives by deepening our commitment to what we are calling Population Health. Like the Race & Equity Initiative the UW launched last year to combat racism and promote equity and diversity on our campuses, this vision of Population Health is about improving lives and tackling hard problems. And, not coincidentally, many of those problems are interrelated with issues of race and equity.

So, on the heels of yesterday’s talk, I’m very pleased to have the chance to share a bit about that vision with you today, because as I look around this room, I see a lot of leaders invested in the success and well-being of this community, and we need powerful people – powerful women! – to join us in making the vision of transforming public health a reality.

Seattle is one of the world’s great cities. It’s a boom town, and it may seem as if wealth and happiness are plentiful. But for many people in our city and region, the boom has passed them by, or worse, made their lives harder and more tenuous.

Many people in our city and region – our neighbors – face daily trials that are largely invisible to the world. Their children may go to underfunded or declining schools, and they may arrive at those schools hungry or malnourished. They themselves may be facing violence, drugs, or disease, and often they can’t afford to miss work to take care of a sick child or get treatment for themselves when they need it.

They may face racism and discrimination, and find themselves trapped in a multi-generation cycle of poverty. Right here in Seattle, a distance of a few miles can mean a difference in life expectancy of more than a decade. Ours is a city of opportunity, yes. But that opportunity is too often determined not by how hard you work, but by where you were born.

So what do we mean by population health? It includes more than just the absence of disease, though that’s important. Our University plays a crucial role in discovering new treatments and cures for a wide range of diseases and conditions, from emerging diseases like Zika to age-old maladies like cancer. Couple that with our work in developing countries, and the more than $275 million in charity care provided here at home by UW Medicine, and it’s clear that – with your support – our University plays an essential role in helping people live longer, happier lives here and all around the world.

Yet, there are many conditions intertwined with physical and mental health: from nutrition and education, to pollution and issues of equity. And there are many ways one can fall – or be pushed – into poverty. By identifying and addressing the causes and impacts of a broad swath of well-being indicators for populations of people – from neighborhoods to countries – we have an opportunity to truly impact health in profound ways. We have an opportunity to improve the population health of the world.

Amplifying that opportunity is the fact that, here in the Puget Sound region, there are more than 130 organizations working on population and global health. From the Gates Foundation and PATH, to organizations focusing on individual nations or specific maladies, there are few places on Earth with more opportunities for collaboration and collective impact than right here. As a global hub for computing and information technology, we have at our disposal more talent and computing power than has ever before been assembled. Big data, for example, allows us to expose and understand patterns, enabling us to diagnose – and treat – not just individuals, but entire cities – even nations.

So how do we, together, shape and implement a vision for our region over the next two and a half decades?

We start by expanding our commitment to reducing health disparities here and around the globe. Your place of birth should not determine your lifespan. Your skin color should never predestine you to greater suffering.

This vision continues with a determination to increase global security by tackling the challenges of environmental sustainability. Some of the effects of climate change cannot be forestalled, so we must also study ways to improve resilience, especially in those communities – poor communities – most likely to be harmed. And we must strive to address the social and economic inequities that make communities poor in the first place.

We will also seek to inspire the next generation of decision-makers, who will drive health policy with strong evidence and even stronger convictions. We will create new paths for students to pursue careers in population health, building synergies within the wide range of disciplines that can contribute. And we of course want these students to learn from the world’s most outstanding faculty, so we will add to the global leaders who already call the UW home.

Together, they will team up with leaders and collaborators from the communities who have the most to gain from the democratization of health evidence, unlocking the power of data for the benefit of ALL. We have in our pockets more computing power than could ever before have been imagined – let’s encourage people to use it for something more than Snapchat (or Tinder).

I believe there is no region and no university better poised to lead us toward solutions than the Puget Sound region and the University of Washington. I believe everyone in this room (and many outside of it) can contribute to the success of this vision, so that together, we can help people around the world, and right here at home, lead healthier, safer, happier and more fulfilling lives.

That’s what inspires me as a scholar. It’s what motivates me as president. And it’s what drives me as a citizen of this community and of this world.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to visit with you tonight. I look forward to meeting those of you I haven’t met yet, and to working with all of you on this and on a range of other priorities for your University and our community. And I‘m happy to answer your questions.