According to the NWCCU, accreditation standards articulate the quality and effectiveness of accredited institutions, and collectively provide a framework by which these institutions can continuously improve. These two standards also are key indicators by which institutions are evaluated by peers. The standards are excerpted below, with additional details available on the NWCCU’s website.
Standard 1: Student Success, and Institutional Mission and Effectiveness
The institution articulates its commitment to student success, primarily measured through student learning and achievement, for all students, with a focus on equity and closure of achievement gaps, and establishes a mission statement, acceptable thresholds, and benchmarks for effectiveness with meaningful indicators. The institution’s programs are consistent with its mission and culminate in identified student outcomes leading to degrees, certificates, credentials, employment, or transfer to other higher education institutions or programs. Programs are systematically assessed using meaningful indicators to assure currency, improve teaching and learning strategies, and achieve stated student learning outcomes for all students, including underrepresented students and first-generation college students.
Standard 2: Governance, Resources, and Capacity
The institution articulates its commitment to a structure of governance that is inclusive in its planning and decision-making. Through its planning, operational activities, and allocation of resources, the institution demonstrates a commitment to student learning and achievement in an environment respectful of meaningful discourse.