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Agreement reached with UAW academic student employees

I am pleased to announce that we reached an agreement with UAW Local 4121 for a successor contract for academic student employees that the members subsequently voted to ratify. The three-year agreement is effective May 19, 2024 through April 30, 2027 and includes yearly increases in compensation, including base compensation; expansion of vision care benefits; childcare reimbursements; and support for international students. Labor Relations has posted a summary of the agreement. 

I extend my gratitude to the negotiating teams for their steadfast efforts to reach an agreement throughout a process that began in February and extended across 20 sessions. I also thank the UW team for their regular communications on progress and all – including faculty, staff, and leadership – who ensured continuity of our academic mission during the negotiations. 

The University approached this process grounded in our ongoing commitment to graduate students in their roles as students and as employees and committed to reaching a fair and sustainable contract. As I have previously conveyed, their contributions to our research and academic mission are deeply valued. With the ratification of the agreement, I am pleased that everyone can now return to focusing on this important work.