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Provost’s blog

Encouraging connections and cultivating the next generation of academic leaders

Across the University, we work collectively to provide a welcoming, supportive environment that encourages curiosity, creativity, discovery, and innovation. It is within this environment that students find their passions and chart their futures, faculty advance knowledge and make discoveries, and staff support and strengthen all aspects of the University. The different perspectives and experience each of us contributes enrich and inform the environment — and the impact that comes from it. 

As I noted in my town hall presentation last month, we must encourage, maintain and protect our connections to each other in this moment and for the future. And in unpredictable times, we must use our differences as our guide to expand the relevance of our mission to all. 

Because we are committed to fostering a culture where each person feels confident in expressing their opinions and concerns — and because faculty play a vital role in that outcome — the Office of the Provost is piloting two programs that we plan to continue in years to come. One is training to assist faculty in navigating and resolving conflicts in academic settings, and the second is the Provost’s Academy to cultivate the next generation of UW academic leaders and bring additional perspectives to University-wide work. 

Conflict Engagement and Resolution Training 

Deans, associate deans, chairs, and faculty from all three campuses are learning how to navigate conflict effectively in academic settings through the Conflict Engagement and Resolution Training Program. This program is sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Academic Personnel and Faculty, in partnership with Professor Christine Cimini and Emeritus Associate Professor Alan Kirtley from the School of Law’s Mediation Clinic. 

These in-person, hands-on training sessions cover the basics of conflict theory, as participants learn to: 

  • engage in difficult conversations in a respectful and productive manner, 
  • de-escalate situations that may become hostile or inflamed, 
  • and approach conflict constructively to reach resolutions that benefit all parties. 

Seventy-two participants will engage in the training in three cohorts, meeting in March, May, or June.   

Provost’s Academy 

Because our University’s greatest strength is the people who create our unique take on the academic mission, elevating diverse perspectives from different vantage points is key to our continued excellence. 

To provide a pathway for integrating those perspectives into institution-wide projects, the Provost’s Academy is designed to recognize and engage emerging faculty leaders throughout the University. The Provost’s Academy provides a dynamic experience that blends experiential learning, collaborative projects, networking and mentorship to foster both personal and professional growth for participants and to advance our academic mission. 

The participants are engaging in strategic thinking and planning alongside senior UW leaders as they develop a deeper understanding of the issues that affect the administration of UW programs and initiatives and their interconnectivity. 

The six faculty, listed below, in this inaugural cohort are gaining insights, through direct participation in a project, into one of the major functional areas of the Office of the Provost, each led by a vice provost.

Cecilia Aragon, professor, Human Centered Design & Engineering
François Baneyx, vice provost for innovation and director of CoMotion
UW faculty consistently develop ideas, algorithms, designs, and methods with significant potential, yet many faculty remain hesitant to pursue commercialization due to unfamiliarity with entrepreneurial processes and terminology. Cecilia Aragon is identifying barriers, friction points and challenges from the perspectives of CoMotion staff and faculty participants. Then, she will develop either a low-stakes, time-efficient entrepreneurial environment or enhancements to CoMotion’s existing programs to reduce barriers to faculty engagement and accelerate the translation of academic innovation into market-ready solutions. 

Ted Poor, associate professor, Music
Ed Taylor, vice provost and dean or undergraduate academic affairs
At the core of great music lies many principles, skills and perspectives that transcend the field of music to other areas of study – intensive listening, improvisation, and sustained focus, to name a few. Ted Poor is gathering ideas from faculty and undergraduates on creativity, improvisation, and how individuals can leverage their perspectives to work towards excellence and discovery. This work has the potential to spark new collaborations in faculty research and interdisciplinary, project based, research-forward courses.  

Emma Spiro, associate professor in the iSchool and a co-founder and faculty director of the UW Center for an Informed Public
Fred Nafukho, vice provost for academic personnel and faculty
Mari Ostendorf, vice provost for research
Building on her center’s collaborations with units across campus, Emma Spiro is designing UW policy for developing proactive measures and responses to incidents of researcher intimidation and harassment. In addition, she is gaining a deeper understanding of the Office of the Provost’s responsibilities, especially those related to academic personnel and faculty. 

Casey Self, teaching professor, Biology 
Becca Price, professor, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences at UW Bothell 
Phil Reid, vice provost of academic strategy and affairs 
Course and program learning outcomes are essential in defining our general education curriculum. They are a critical component of instructional quality and are requisite to meet certain accreditation standards. In light of this, a task force, co-chaired by Becca Price, is identifying a process to define and curate undergraduate learning outcomes. At the same time, Casey Self, who is a member of the task force, is focusing on ensuring that learning outcomes are aligned with the core elements of effective teaching, as defined by Faculty Senate’s recently approved Class A legislation. Subsequent work will involve implementation of the task force recommendations. 

Heather Hill, professor, Evans School 
Mari Ostendorf, vice provost for research 
Heather Hill is helping the Office of Research expand and rethink efforts to communicate the breadth of UW research impact to the public, including telling stories of the people who benefit from UW research and fostering conversations that help researchers see new opportunities for their work to benefit the people of our state. 

Already, Mari Ostendorf has found value in working with the Provost’s Academy participants. “They bring perspectives of different research disciplines that contribute to my decision making and problem solving. It’s also an opportunity for the fellows to learn about the variety and complexity of challenges facing leadership, particularly right now.” 

Open to full-time faculty members on all tracks and all three campuses who have been appointed at the UW for at least three years and are beyond the first promotion review, the program received more than three dozen applications for the six spots in inaugural cohort. 

UW faculty are renowned for their innovative thinking and collaborative approach. These programs highlight faculty enthusiasm for expanding the reach of these assets to advance all aspects of our University. Especially during these times, I know that it will be the engagement of our faculty that will pave the way to our continued success. 


Working together to address the financial risks facing our University

Just over five years ago, the University was on the precipice of a shut down at the leading edge of what would become a global pandemic. The devastating health outcomes of COVID-19 combined with the unknown impact of the emerging response on day-to-day life was overwhelming. The path forward was uncertain. That period will always be a somber one for the world, marked by both personal and collective loss. It is also a period in which people banded together with a shared purpose of getting through the crisis by thinking differently about their work and finding a way to continue it for the benefit of all.  

At our own University, this resilience saved countless lives, symbolized our commitment to the public good, and protected our educational and research missions for the future. This remarkable achievement was only possible through the commitment and heroic work of faculty, staff, and student workers. President Cauce and I thank all of you, who not only kept our mission going during that time but also ensured our recovery in the years that followed. Today, we are in a strong position not only in delivering our mission but also financially, with robust enrollment, growing patient care, record research activity, and important philanthropic support. 

Today, we face a different type of challenge that will require us to find the same resiliency that we now know is possible. Despite a good financial position, unprecedented and rapid policy changes at the federal level have increased the risk of funding cuts that threaten the University’s financial stability. At the state level, a significant budget shortfall is leading our legislature to grapple with a range of measures including budget cuts and furloughs, although the latter are particularly ill-suited to higher education because the cost of implementation minimizes the actual savings realized. Nonetheless, these risks together have the potential to jeopardize the full scope of our work, including existing and new research projects, patient care, instruction and basic operations.  

We are advocating for the UW by communicating the importance of our work for a thriving and secure future, including keeping the economy strong and the population healthy, for our communities, the state of Washington, the nation and the world. At the same time, we must also do our part to protect our future in the face of these unknowns.  

We are entering this period of uncertainty with the benefit of some advanced planning already in progress. Early this year, we initiated the Together We Thrive program, aiming to put the University on a path to better align expenses and revenue, while supporting new opportunities for growth. This program focuses on both operational and administrative adjustments to improve the UW’s long-term financial health. 

Given the challenges we now face at the federal and state levels, we expect that some level of budget cuts will become necessary, and the time has now come to expand our financial sustainability efforts. President Cauce and I outlined several measures to be undertaken immediately in a message to University leadership on Friday. These include modeling potential future reductions in core funding and acting now to manage costs proactively, including: 

  • Pausing non-essential staff hiring 
  • Limiting faculty hiring as previously directed and communicated 
  • Cancelling non-essential travel and training 
  • Reducing food purchases and other discretionary spending 
  • Renegotiating or ending non-essential external service contracts 
  • Opting into shared services  

Chancellors (or their designees), Seattle campus deans and other President’s Cabinet-level officials shall oversee implementation of these measures for their campuses, schools and units, including assessment of essential positions and activities. If you have questions or concerns about these measures, please reach out to your unit’s leadership.

I recognize that the ups and downs of public funding – and the uncertainty of this moment, in particular – prompt stress, worry and anxiety. By using this time to proactively save our resources and thoughtfully plan, we will be better prepared to manage any future funding cuts to protect our mission for the public good. While it won’t be easy, working together with a common purpose and supporting one another is the path to overcoming adversity, as we proved five years ago. Let’s trust in that Husky resilience, innovation, and determination again today. 


For faculty: Expectations for making digital content accessible

Provost Serio recently sent this message to all UW faculty and instructors and a companion message to all UW staff.

Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to share information about the University of Washington’s efforts to respond to the standard for digital accessibility — in our course content, websites, programs, services and activities.

On April 24, 2024, the Department of Justice published a rule on digital accessibility under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This rule requires the University’s digital content to be accessible starting on April 24, 2026. Of note for instructors, this applies to course content such as videos, images, slide decks, documents, audio files, e-textbooks, course webpages and online tools.

Meeting this standard is not only a legal expectation but also an action consistent with our mission and values. Students with disabilities leave college at much higher rates than their peers. We all have an important role to play in meeting their accessibility needs by removing barriers at all levels. Together, we can ensure that the UW is a welcoming place to work and study — one where people with disabilities can thrive and make meaningful contributions unhindered.

This is, admittedly, a major effort, and you are not in this alone. It will take the combined effort of individual faculty, academic units, central groups that support accessibility and instruction, UW-IT, and others. New resources will be available in the coming months.

ADA Digital Accessibility Initiative will support the transition

To support this work, I have established an ADA Digital Accessibility Initiative whose action teams, composed of staff and faculty, are working now to develop recommendations for new resources, training, policies and tools — work that will be shared broadly as it evolves on the Digital Accessibility website. Faculty are deeply involved in the course content and innovation and research teams, in particular.

This initiative will help the UW:

  1. Chart the course toward substantial compliance with the revised standards by April 2026.
  2. Implement sustainable processes and tools to manage digital accessibility effectively.
  3. Provide training, tools and resources to faculty, staff and students.

Over the next several months, you may be invited to participate in information gathering efforts to inform the recommendations developed by the action teams. If you are interested in contributing, please send a message to

What you can do now to prepare

While the action teams are in the process of developing tools, support and resources that will be put toward this new rule, there are initial steps we encourage you and your department to take as you prepare to teach upcoming courses:

  1. Delete or archive digital course content that you no longer use in that course (e.g., old versions of assignments, readings that are no longer required, duplicates). Tidying up your digital course materials now helps to clarify what needs attention.
  2. View the Ally Course Accessibility Report in Canvas to identify the most common type of accessibility flags in your courses where you can have an immediate impact. If you don’t use Canvas, now is a great time to start. At a minimum, please use the accessibility tools in your current platform (e.g., Microsoft Office).
  3. Watch for updates about this initiative and take advantage of opportunities to learn more about digital accessibility best practices.

Creating a campus culture of digital accessibility is an opportunity for us to more fully live our values and support the access needs of students with disabilities.

I am deeply grateful for your support and dedication as we undertake this important work. We welcome feedback about this initiative and encourage you to reach out to if you have concerns or ideas.

Thank you for your partnership in this vital initiative. With steady progress, working together, we’ll get there.


Tricia R. Serio
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Professor, Biochemistry

For staff: Expectations for making digital content accessible

Provost Serio recently sent this message to all UW staff and a companion message to all UW faculty and instructors.

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to share information about the University of Washington’s efforts to respond to the standard for digital accessibility — in our course content, websites, programs, services and activities.

On April 24, 2024, the Department of Justice published a rule on digital accessibility under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This rule requires the University’s digital content to be accessible starting on April 24, 2026. It encompasses public-facing digital platforms such as the UW website and mobile apps, in addition to content shared with colleagues and students on UW digital platforms, including academic course content.

Meeting this standard is not only a legal expectation but also an action consistent with our mission and values. Students with disabilities leave college at much higher rates than their peers. We all have an important role to play in meeting their accessibility needs by removing barriers at all levels. Together, we can ensure that the UW is a welcoming place to work and study — one where people with disabilities can thrive and make meaningful contributions unhindered.

This is, admittedly, a major effort, and you are not in this alone. It will take the combined effort of individual staff members and administrative unit leaders, central groups that support accessibility, UW-IT, faculty and academic units, and others.

ADA Digital Accessibility Initiative will support the transition

I have established an ADA Digital Accessibility Initiative whose action teams are developing recommendations for new resources, training, policies and tools. Information on the initiative and related work is available on the Digital Accessibility page and will be updated regularly. This initiative will help the UW:

  1. Chart the course toward substantial compliance with the revised standards by April 2026.
  2. Implement sustainable processes and tools to manage digital accessibility effectively.
  3. Provide training, tools and resources to faculty, staff and students.
What you can do now to prepare

While the action teams are in the process of developing tools, support and resources that will be put toward this new rule, there are initial steps we encourage you and your unit to take as you prepare. More information on the following steps can be found on this What You Can Do Now page:

  1. Learn what your unit is already doing to address digital accessibility. Many units have a coordinator for this work and have developed unit-specific approaches.
  2. Build your understanding of digital accessibility through new training opportunities, as well as in-depth information about specific topics such as documents, social media and websites.
  3. Review and inventory digital content for which you are responsible — this may include webpages, documents, videos, social media, training content and more. This will help you know what kind of resources, support and training to seek to help you improve the accessibility of your content.
  4. Delete or archive digital content that is no longer accurate, up-to-date or relevant. A webpage without extra pages and files is easier to make accessible.

Over the next several months, you may also be asked to participate in training sessions, contribute to accessibility reviews or adopt new tools and practices designed to ensure compliance. I urge each of you to embrace this effort as a reflection of our shared values and commitment to creating a campus culture of accessibility that meets the needs of members of our community with disabilities.

I encourage you to reach out to if you have suggestions about this initiative, and I am deeply grateful for your support and dedication as we undertake this important work. With steady progress, working together, we’ll get there.


Tricia R. Serio
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Professor, Biochemistry