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Provost’s Advisory Committee for Students

Provost’s Advisory Committee for Students (PACS) is a committee of students who author student-led recommendations and implementation strategies on tri-campus issues or concerns regarding the general student experience and shared by all three campuses, specifically to the president and provost.

1. General overview

It is recommended by the University of Washington (UW) that the president and provost seek and consider the input and advice of the UW student body through the Provost’s Advisory Committee for Students (PACS) in the following subjects but not limited to:

  • UW annual budgets and finance
  • Tuition levels and state tuition policy proposals
  • Financial aid
  • Long-range budget and allocation planning, with particular reference to student concerns
  • Admissions and enrollment management
  • Campus safety and security
  • Academic policies
  • University policies that directly impact student life

The purpose of PACS is to author student-led recommendations and implementation strategies on tri-campus issues or concerns regarding the general student experience and shared by all three campuses, specifically to the president and provost. Its role differs from the student governments on each campus as topics of discussion affect all three campuses, and TABS does not vote to take action for or against any budgetary concerns or academic or university policy.

PACS shall inform the Associated Students of the University of Washington student governments (ASUW) and the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) on the matters elaborated above and shall be guided by the advice of ASUW and GPSS presidents on matters of policy.

2. Committee leadership

A chair shall be appointed by the ASUW and GPSS presidents at the beginning of each academic year through a screening or nomination process. It shall be the responsibility of the chair to report PACS activities on a regular basis to, and seek advice from, the ASUW and GPSS presidents.

3. Information to be shared

At the request of the chair or members of the committee, the president and provost’s office shall provide PACS with all non-confidential information relating to subject areas of the committee’s interest. The chair of PACS should also bring information requests on behalf of TABS to University administration.

4. Subject area principles

PACS shall, during the autumn quarter of each academic year, establish official goals and strategic principles to submit to the president and provost for consideration.

Guest and invitation to present at TABS

With recommendation from committee or student government presidents, the PACS chair shall invite student leaders or campus partners from different communities bi-weekly to discuss with the advisory board on specific subject areas that impact overall student experience.

5. Information exchange and resolution process

The president and provost’s office shall, during the academic year, provide PACS with regular updates and information on the progress of resolutions/ recommendations created by the committee.


In regards to the UW annual budget, once final budget proposals are established, as time allows, TABS shall have the opportunity to review the proposals and submit recommendations to the provost and/or president on topics such as tuition changes, financial aid and tri-campus budgeting decisions.

6. Committee membership

PACS membership shall consist of:

 12 voting student members, including:

    • The presidents of ASUW and GPSS
    • The ASUW-GPSS elected student government board rep
    • One graduate and professional student at-large appointed by the GPSS
    • One student at-large appointed by ASUW-Seattle, ASUW-Tacoma and ASUW-Bothell.

Ex-officio members, invited by the chair, including:

    • The president
    • The provost
    • The executive vice provost
    • The vice president of Student Life
    • Representative of the Board of Deans and Chancellors
    • Faculty Senate chair
    • Representative of the Office of Planning and Budgeting
    • Representative of the Office of Financial Aid
    • Executive staff to the president
    • Student regent

7. Appointment terms and orientation

Terms of members shall begin in autumn quarter of each academic year, unless otherwise specified at the time of appointment. No later than the second meeting of each year, the president, provost and/or their designee, shall orient new members on information relevant to the work of PACS.