Advisory Search Committee for the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
- Dianne Harris, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Co-chair
- Denzil Suite, Vice President, Student Life, Co-chair
- Tomitha Blake, Assistant Vice Provost, Academic & Student Affairs
- Liberty Bracken, Associate Athletic Director for Academic Excellence, Intercollegiate Athletics
- Shannon Carr, Director, Student and Enrollment Services, UW Tacoma
- Emily Christian, Dean for Enrollment Services, UW Bothell
- Ann Culligan, Teaching Professor, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
- Rickey Hall, Vice President and University Diversity Officer, Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity
- Michaelann Jundt, Senior Associate Dean, Undergraduate Academic Affairs
- Elizabeth Kirk, Teaching Professor and Associate Dean, School of Public Health
- Kim Lovaas, Director, International Student Services, UW Seattle
- Julia Parrish, Professor and Associate Dean, College of the Environment
- Daniel Ratner, Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Engineering
- Karin Roberts, Executive Director, Data and Applications, UW IT
- Joel Ross, Associate Teaching Professor, Information School
- Adrian Sinkler, Director of Institutional Analysis in Finance, Planning and Budgeting
Charge letter
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for agreeing to serve on the search committee to identify and recommend candidates for the position of Vice Provost for Enrollment Management. Dianne Harris, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences and Denzil Suite, Vice President, Student Life will co-chair the committee. As you can see, the committee is composed of outstanding individuals from across the institution.
Our goal is to have a new Vice Provost identified by June 2025. We seek a distinguished and visionary leader for the Office of Enrollment Management who will work well with the UW community, including academic units, public and other external partners, alumni, and donors. Given the nature of this position and trends in higher education, the successful candidate will join the university in a professional staff appointment. I am grateful to Phil Reid who took on this role during the COVID-19 pandemic and, through his leadership, positioned us strongly for a competitive recruitment.
The University has a strong commitment to diversity, which I ask you to consider seriously, as you recruit a pool of eligible candidates. Please establish protocols for seeking the opinions and nominations from the broader UW faculty, student, and staff communities, as well as appropriate constituencies outside the University of Washington. At the conclusion of the search, I would like to receive from you the names of 2 to 3 highly qualified candidates.
The first meeting of the committee is scheduled for February 27, 2025, 8:00-9:00am via Zoom. I will attend a portion of the meeting to discuss my priorities and expectations for the position and the search with you. We have engaged the search firm Witt Kieffer to assist you in this important work.
Tricia R. Serio
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Professor, Biochemistry
February 21, 2025