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NOW LIVE: Please participate in 2019 PSO UPASS advocacy survey

Dear UW Professional Staff member,

We invite you to take a moment to complete the brief, 1-minute 2019 PSO UPASS advocacy survey. See below for link.
Your participation is appreciated and will guide the Professional Staff Organization board in its efforts on your behalf.

Thank you,
The PSO Board

To take the survey, click the link below or copy and paste the URL into the address bar of your Web browser.
You should also receive this survey via email.


This survey requires UWNETID authentication. As a precaution, you can check the SSL certificate for the weblogin page.
As for legitimacy, and we applaud caution in clicking web links, you are welcome to copy and paste the URL which includes as the domain name.
The domain has an SSL certificate which is properly signed by InCommon.