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UW Staff Diversity Hiring Toolkit


Letter sent 9/26/2019 from UW Human Resources

Good morning,

With over 1,000 open positions at the UW, hiring managers have an important job in recruiting and selecting candidates. Learn how to improve outreach efforts and build an inclusive applicant pool with the Staff Diversity Hiring Toolkit. Developed by the Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity (OMA&D), the toolkit provides helpful guidance, checklists and resources:

The toolkit will be enhanced this winter as UWHR Total Talent Management and OMA&D are partnering and developing new content to be added in early 2020.

This reminder is sent as part of UW’s current collective bargaining agreements with SEIU 925, SEIU 1199 and WFSE. Contact your employment team with questions related to staff recruiting.


Mindy Kornberg J.D.
Vice President for Human Resources
University of Washington