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Resources to Get Out The Vote

From our friends at UW Impact:

Get Out The Vote Resources

Huskies Vote

Find a collection of resources and events to help voters get registered, get informed, and get to the polls. Your voice matters — make sure you use it!
More on Huskies Vote

Candidate Survey

Prior to every Washington State legislative election, UW Impact conducts a short, non-partisan candidate survey to see how candidates would prioritize public higher education issues. Have your candidates responded? Find out!
Find Candidate Survey Here

Presidential Debate Previews

Hosted along with KUOW and the UW Alumni Association, join UW Impact for virtual conversations with local experts and journalists ahead of each presidential debate. RSVP today!
Sign Up for Debate Previews

Husky Caucus Directory

More than 30 UW alumni serve in the Washington State Legislature, and they help enact key legislation that affects the University community and beyond. Check out the Husky Caucus Directory to learn who they are, what they studied, where they serve, and more!
Husky Caucus Directory

Voting for American UW alums abroad

Voting abroad or know someone who is? Access non-partisan resources to help navigate voter registration, ballot requests, and the task of mailing ballots from abroad from UW alum, Elyse Hope ’16.
Voting Resources for Expats
What else can you do?

  • Ensure you and your friends and loved ones are registered to vote with updated information.
  • Look for updates from UW Impact on social media (find them on Facebook and Twitter).
  • Join UW Impact!