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UW Community Circle

On behalf of our colleagues at the Population Health Initiative, the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity, Race & Equity Initiative, and the School of Public Health Office of the Dean, the PSO would like to share the opportunity for professional staff to participate in the newly launched UW Community Circle:

Are you in search of a space to be in solidarity with other UW faculty and staff about the recent losses and ongoing trauma we are experiencing collectively? If so, we invite you to join us on October 28 for a virtual community circle guided by the work of Resmaa Menakem and his book, “My Grandmother’s Hands.”

 The purpose of the community circle is to come together as a UW community to remember the relatives we are still losing to the pandemic of covid and racism, acknowledge the collective trauma we are still experiencing, and gather together to highlight lessons we have learned in the past 20 months and integrate them into our work as professionals in population health and higher education.

 As we move forward to try to co-create a “new normal”, we strive to intentionally approach that work with an anti-racist, socially just, and equitable lens. This community circle is intentionally created for UW faculty and staff to span the academic year to allow us time to build together to live and work in a healthier space physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

 Part of this circle is a journey with the book, My Grandmother’s Hands by Resmaa Menakem, which focuses on how we can build a community of care together by addressing our embodied trauma. E-books are available via UW Library. This opportunity is open to all UW faculty and staff and created in partnership between the Population Health Initiative, the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity, Race & Equity Initiative, and the School of Public Health Office of the Dean. See flyer here for more information.

 Register for our virtual conversation launch by Monday, October 25th here:

A zoom link will be sent to you before the event.

 If you have registration questions, please contact Andrea Salazar-Nuñez at

If you have questions about the event, please contact Arti Shah at

 The University of Washington is committed to providing access and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, and activities. Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by October 14th to Population Health Initiative, Arti Shah,