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UPASS rate increase proposal withdrawn, Parking and Citation rate increases head to Regents

UPDATE: 5/2/2019

Thank you to all who turned out for the Public Comment meeting last Friday to voice your concerns about the UPASS and parking rate increases.

Parking Rates:

The main parking-related concern we have heard is that Carpooling incentives are not what Pro Staff expect, so we have requested a conversation about that at a future University Transportation Committee meeting.

UPASS Transit Pass Rates:

As a result of Union and PSO staff representation “No” votes, including that of the PSO, and in conjunction with the Public Hearing comments last week, a decision has been made to withdraw the proposed Fac/Staff UPASS rate increase.

This note was sent by Lou Cariello to the UTC committee members:  (excerpted)

Thank you for your feedback on the proposal to raise parking and faculty/staff U-PASS rates. Your concerns about the impact of the U-PASS increase were echoed at the public hearing and in discussions with other campus constituents. Concerns about sustainability and equity were common themes.


There is a pending Fines and Parking rates increase that the Regents will review and likely vote on at the May 7/8 meeting

More here:


P.S.  Please consider a recurring payroll contribution of a dollar per paycheck to support the work of the PSO