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State Bill to subsidize UW Employees transit use introduced in Olympia – PSO member testifies

A new Bill to fund UW Employees transit passes was recently introduced in Olympia. Sponsors are Reps Macri, Chopp, Pollet, and Valdez

HB 2949 – 2019-20
Requiring transit passes to be provided by certain entities.

This bill is now scheduled for a public hearing in the House Committee on Transportation at 11:00 AM this Saturday 2/29/2020

Full Text: HERE

Bill would also amend the state commute trip reduction law and add additional reporting requirements and tools for implementing compliance.

Click here for current full text of WA CTR – RCW 70.94.531

Erin Rants, PSO Member, testified in favor of the Bill and read a PSO Board endorsed statement (Thank you Erin!)

PSO Statement here:

Audio and Video, as well as a computer-generated transcript of the proceedings can be found here: