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UWHR updates for fall 2020 – POD, Flu Shots, Working Families Resources, Online Recess, Yoga Month, Carelink, SafeCampus Title IX



Go, grow! This autumn, POD is offering<> dozens of live virtual workshops and self-paced online sessions to help you advance your development goals, gain new tools and explore different perspectives.


Whether you’re seeking to deepen your own understanding, disrupt bias or transform your workplace, POD has a class for you. Virtual offerings include Race, Bias and Dissonance<>, Creating an Inclusive Workplace Through Emotional Intelligence<>, Cultural Proficiency<> and more.


Flu Shots

Prioritize your health – get your flu shot<>. Whether it’s at your doctor’s office, pharmacy or a special flu clinic at the UW, it’s more important than ever to get your flu vaccine this year.


Supporting working families

Juggling work and caregiving responsibilities is extraordinarily stressful this fall. Find support through Work-Life resources and other community programs on the Supporting our UW working families<> webpage.

Get your kids moving during their lunch breaks with UW Athletics and The Whole U. Recess breaks are for kids ages 6—12 and parents are welcome to join these fun 15-minute movement breaks hosted by student athletes and coaches. Register for UW Recess,<> offered at noon on Mondays and Wednesday this fall.


The Whole U

Join The Whole U’s UW Yoga Month 2020<> and give yourself a much-needed focal point for self-care during this time.


UW CareLink

UW CareLink are offering free workshop that new ways to balance the needs or work and family, stay organized and adapt. Check out the fall schedule on the new CareLink webinars page<>.


SafeCampus/Title IX

Help the UW develop violence-prevention training for new employees. The UW Title IX Training & Education Working Committee is developing new employee training to help prevent and respond to sexual misconduct for all members of the UW community. Complete a five-minute survey to offer your feedback and priorities.  <>