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Notes from University Facilities and Services (FCUFS) meeting

Notes from University Facilities and Services (FCUFS) meeting Meeting Oct 1st 

COVID and back to work planning

  • UW Employees returning to on-campus work are encouraged to voluntarily enroll in the Seattle Flu Study. 
  • Daily attestation in Workday requirements remain in place.
  • Covid testing site in ground floor of Odegaard library.  
  • UW Employee up-to-date Covid-19 information here:
  • EH&S is doing campus contact tracing with limited resources & is concerned a large outbreak could overwhelm capacity.
  • HVAC systems across campus have been brought up to date on maintenance and air filters replaced – but not emphasizing because mask use and hand washing are primary protective activities – i.e. “Good HVAC” is no substitute for either, so not part of primary messaging.
  • Heat may be turned off this winter in building that are “closed” – your building coordinator might be a good place to start if concerned 

Some Covid-related notes about Students returning to campus:

  • Facilities related to students and COVID19: Opening day was really light.  Residence hall have 10K capacity, but only 3500 have moved in,  only 750 (of those 3500) have in-person classes.  
  • Prime student concerns include having a “good place to study” outside their residence. South campus center and the HUB ballroom are the two designated places to study and are husky-card controlled, masks required.  
  • UW Student life has no jurisdiction over greek system, where spread and mask use concerns continue. Fraternities/sororities are only subject to king county public health rules, not UW rules.
  • UW Libraries are not open