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Resources to navigate a work-life balance

The PSO Board sometimes hears from professional staff needing extra assistance navigating difficult work situations. Here are some important resources you should know about:

When communicating with your supervisor regarding your job performance, expectations or responsibilities become unproductive, and you feel your concerns are not being heard, who should you turn to?  After your manager your next stop should be to your department’s human resources director.  A link to a searchable HR directory is available here.  

For questions that require extra attention, as professional staff we are fortunate to have additional options.  For free and confidential counseling of any type (from legal advice, financial guidance, work-life solutions, consultation for managers, and critical and traumatic events), you could contact the UW CareLink at 866-598-3978 at any time, 24/7. 

Another valuable option is the UW Ombud whose charge is to assist our staff with navigating and resolving workplace conflicts.  The Ombud’s office has a wonderful website describing their resources here.  

For specific questions regarding potential violations of the University’s policies prohibiting discrimination and harassment by employees, the University Complaint Investigation and Resolution Office (UCIRO) is available for consultations regarding your concerns by email: or by phone: (206) 616-2028.  

The UW community is here for you and has created these benefits for when you need assistance to be successful while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Let the PSO Board know if you need help figuring out what resources are available to you.