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PSO to host DEI Forum in April, focused on Belonging

The PSO is excited to host the 7th DEI Forum, with the theme “Inspiring Belonging and Creating Community”. The purpose of this regular forum is to an intersectional space for those interested in advocating for equity to come together to share ideas, network, and build coalitions to advance anti-racism and social justice efforts across UW and beyond. This includes intersecting aspects of identity such as race, ability, age, gender, sexual orientation, language, socioeconomic status, and religion.

This year, the DEI Forum theme will be “Inspiring Belonging and Creating Community”. Pat Wadors, the CHRO of ServiceNow, is credited with adding “belonging” to the Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) space. As she says, “D&I may capture your head, but belonging captures your heart.” In this spirit, the DEI Forum intends to create an inclusive space of belonging, and to provide resources, ideas, and connections so that we as a UW community can support each other in building and sustaining inclusive spaces of belonging in our communities, at UW and beyond.

The forum is developed by pro-staff and for pro-staff, and is open to all of the UW community who wish to participate!

Register now for the 2023 DEI Forum

  • When: April 19, 12-4pm; and April 20, 9am-1pm
  • Where: Zoom

Check out our event page, which will be updated as we finalize the program, and register to join us!