The UW Professional Staff Organization is a volunteer-driven non-profit organization.
All professional staff automatically become members of the Professional Staff Organization. Although the more than 10,000 professional staff at the University of Washington are grouped in one classification of university personnel, our roles are as varied as the activities of the University.
Among our ranks are:
- Advisers counseling students
- Research scientists running labs and experiments
- Fiscal and human resources personnel keeping the university in compliance with federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations
- Facilities managers maintaining the university’s buildings
… and many, many more!
The PSO highlights the essential role of, enriches the experience of, and serves as a resource for professional staff at the University of Washington. We strive to be a trusted and valued partner by:
- Seeking the alignment of university governance with the university’s stated values and the interests of the professional staff community
- Nurturing a culture of excellence at the University of Washington
- Fostering a collegial environment among professional staff and with the greater university community
Core Values
Advocacy — PSO advocates for the interests and benefits of the professional staff as a whole.
Communication — PSO promotes effective communication among professional staff and with the university community.
Diversity — The PSO recognizes, honors and seeks to uphold diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of our work, including the composition and activities of our membership, board, committees, and volunteers; we are committed to actively addressing implicit bias and to mitigate systems of oppression.
Education — PSO educates professional staff and the university community about issues that affect professional staff.
Professional Development — PSO provides scholarships and grants to support professional development.
Representation — PSO represents the myriad groups of professional staff through participation in university governance.