Chair: Sean C. Thomas
The Communications Committee is responsible for creating a cohesive and active presence on campus and within the community through timely media and social engagement and the strategic development of media content.
Chair: Allison Spooner
The DEI committee seeks to bring attention to the challenges of diversity, equity, and inclusion on our campus while actively collaborating with other campus programs to increase educational and community-building opportunities. This group is responsible for planning and holding one campus-wide annual interactive forum as well as other informational/educational resources when possible, including through our DEI page. We are always looking for more members to contribute for a greater impact. Contact the chair to volunteer for a specific meeting or to join the committee. All are welcome.
Chair: Sean C. Thomas
The election committee works to ensure fair and equitable elections occur each year for the Professional Staff Organization. This committee drafts communications, sets policy and guidelines for the election process. The election committee sets up the election timeline and voting process each spring and is responsible for tabulating the votes, communicating with the nominees and reporting back to the PSO on the process and results.
Chair: Eileen Guo
This committee’s goal is to engage professional staff members. This group is responsible for planning and holding two campus-wide biannual meetings as well as other occasional informational meetings. The end of year celebration involves inviting a keynote speaker and organizing the event. Additionally, the committee is tasked with engaging members on an ongoing basis. The PSO is funded entirely by volunteer payroll deductions currently totaling less than $15,000/year, of which over 50% is returned to PSO members in the form of professional development scholarships. Since our current IRS designation has the PSO designated as a labor organization, contributions are not tax deductible, which hampers our ability to (1) apply for grants, or (2) encourage employees to donate. An analysis of UW professional staff’s awareness of the PSO, its initiatives, programs, and the value of being involved and contributing members would be an important step forward in this process. Development of a strategic plan for engaging professional staff and working toward building a sustainable funding stream for the PSO are important initiatives of this Committee. We are currently in need of volunteers. Contact the chair to volunteer for a specific meeting or to join the working group.
Chair: Tiana Cole
This committee consists of the PSO Board Officers, including President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Past President. The committee discusses Board matters that need more focused conversation before the next Board meeting, reporting back to the Board with minutes and outcomes. They are also responsible for monitoring financial activity, including but not limited to discussing and reporting on the organization’s financial condition, and preparing the annual budget for review and adoption by the Board of Directors. The committee meets monthly between Board meetings.
Volunteers are not eligible to serve on this committee.
Chair: Alex Bolton
The Legislative Committee advises on legislative issues affecting professional staff and higher education in general. It coordinates with and receives information from the UW State Relations Office, creates and maintains a PSO legislative “white paper” with identified concerns, goals, and strategies, and coordinates visits with state legislators. To join the Legislative Committee or for more information about its activities, please contact the committee chair.
Chair: Michelle Bucholtz
The Scholarship and Professional Development Committee receives all applications for scholarships from individuals and for professional development grants from UW professional staff organizations and groups. The scholarships are for educational activities to foster members’ professional development. The professional development grants are to support classes, programs, speakers, and so on that contribute to the professional development of UW professional staff.