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Contribute to PSO

The UW PSO is a dynamic and diverse organization that has worked to achieve a strong voice for the professional staff for almost 30 years. Our continued progress and success is dependent on your generous support! The possibilities for the future are limitless.

Your payroll deduction of $5 monthly/$2.50 per pay period, multiplied by 100 contributing members will support any of our goals:

  • 12 employees receiving a $500 professional development scholarship
  • Monthly professional development seminars at each University campus
  • Annual Staff Awards acknowledging significant contributions to the UW community with a monetary gift

Together, with your bimonthly payroll deduction (in any amount of your choosing), we can accomplish many initiatives that will benefit all professional staff here at the University of Washington. Help us to continue discovering the possibilities.

To discontinue contributions:

  1. On the PSO website click the Mail-in contribution form.
  2. Complete the form and check the “stop deduction” box.
  3. Email or mail the form to the PSO Treasurer. (Address located on the form.)

Or you may:

  1. Click the Online contribution form.
  2. Complete the catalyst survey form and check the “Stop deduction” box. An email notification will automatically be sent to the PSO Treasurer.


FAQ about contributing/supporting the UW Professional Staff Organization:

Q: is a way for me to sign up to contribute through “My UW Giving” or the UW’s “Make a Gift” page?
A: Because the PSO is a 501c5 and not a 501c3, deductions are not tax deductible. The IRS assigns the UW PSO the same classification as a union even though we are not and have no bargaining rights for Pro staff at the UW). For similar reasons, the UW PSO is not allowed to participate in the Combined Fund drive.

Q: How does a recurring contribution work?
A: The Contribute to PSO page has you complete an O365 form that we then submit to UW Payroll to initiate a Bimonthly Payroll deduction.

Q: Can I make a one-time donation?
A: Yes, you may write us a check – contact the PSO Treasurer or the Board for assistance