This feature is part of the 2016-2017 report series produced by the Office of the Provost in partnership with the Race & Equity Initiative. Feature articles will be released throughout fall and winter. Themes for the series include examining how the University of Washington is committed to improving equity and access throughout major University systems and processes, and how these can be transformed, with the goal of eliminating institutional racism.
At the University of Washington, curriculum transformation is a process that asks faculty members to take a critical stance on power and difference in the classroom, interweave multiple perspectives, and integrate student voices and knowledge into the learning process.
“The Diversity Blueprint and the Diversity Requirement set goals for change at theuniversity level, but within each classroom, curriculum transformation is an opportunity for each instructor to create a thoughtful and equitable space for learning and to do so with support from instructional experts,” says Ed Taylor, vice provost and dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.