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Diversity and equity for all

To support and sustain diversity and equity at the UW, as well as in the local, regional and global communities we serve, we must directly confront bias and racism at the individual, institutional and systemic levels.

Our theory of change:

Confronting individual bias and racism

Progress begins with each of us. We start by not being part of the problem —by acknowledging that we are not all the same, and that recognizing, valuing and celebrating our differences makes our University and our world stronger. Every person has biases, but when we learn to identify, question and interrupt our own biases, then we can change our attitudes and our interactions for the better. We are all teachers and learners when it comes to advancing a more equitable and just discourse that leads to change.

The Race & Equity Initiative works to foster the difficult but necessary conversations and personal learning experiences that will help us interrupt bias and take action to improve equity.

Transforming institutional policies and practices

Many deeply rooted institutional policies and practices ignore the social issues and realities of the present. Often these are vestiges of less progressive times, and they must be identified, acknowledged and addressed.

The Race & Equity Initiative is working to change exclusionary or biased policies and institutional practices that lead to and maintain racial and other forms of inequity and deny people opportunities.

Accelerating systemic change

The current national climate can make it difficult to hold diversity and equity as core values; to not only respect but also celebrate differences; to believe in justice and fairness; and to hold dear the idea that all people were created equal and should have equal opportunities to achieve their goals and contribute to society. Yet in the face of barriers and challenges, our institution must hold fast to these guiding ideals.

Our University must be critical and thoughtful about its influence in this larger system. Our identity as an institution of higher learning has an impact well beyond the borders of our campuses — an impact that we can shape.

The Race & Equity Initiative is forging new partnerships with community partners to work in a greater and more comprehensive way to address equity and fairness for all in our community.