UW Research



Setup actions for your award will vary based on awarding sponsor. Pay attention to emails and letters from your sponsor, in addition to the award document for special instructions about setting up your award.

Many sponsors have their own grants management systems, it might be the same as their proposal system or separate. If your award information mentions an online system that will be used for award acceptance, submitting reports, and/or requesting project changes, now is the time to make sure you have access.

Select Non-Federal Sponsor Guidance

American Heart Association (AHA)

Use ProposalCentral to review status and award notification. Review AHA Research policies and Awardee Hub for more information.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)

The award will be made to the University of Washington Foundation (UWF).  The UWF facilitates transferring the award to the UW through OSP. OSP reviews and negotiates the agreement with BMGF and forwards the agreement to UWF for signature. After receiving the signed agreement, OSP creates an Award Setup Request (ASR) in SAGE and sends it to campus for completion.

European Union Awards

Time tracking requirements in European Union awards (direct or flow-through) require additional tracking beyond UW effort reporting.

The European Commission has provided this time tracking template to use for meeting their time tracking requirements.  Use this template for awards from the EU unless the sponsor has a more specific template referenced in their award terms.

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

PCORI Online is a “one-stop-shop” for all aspects of the award lifecycle: from proposal submission to reporting and management.  PIs get access to PCORI Online during their proposal preparation.

Check out PCORI’s Awardee Resources as you set up your new award.

Industry Sponsors

Most agreements with industry sponsors are provided on sponsor templates and require OSP to negotiate terms and conditions with the sponsor. Review considerations that go into the review and negotiation of a sponsored research agreement at the UW.

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) / Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs

If an SBIR or STTR is awarded by the federal government, the small business entity receives an award from the federal sponsor. The small business then issues a subaward to the UW for our work on the project. Review information on how to prepare an eGC1 for incoming subawards.

Boeing Research Services

Boeing and the University of Washington have a Master Research and Services Agreement (MRSA) in place. When a project is identified, a Project Agreement is entered between Boeing and UW that is governed by the MRSA.

UW Background IP

Contact CoMotion before sharing UW Background Intellectual Property (IP).

Proposed projects may involve UW Background IP. Prior to sharing UW Background IP, even at an early discussion stage:

  • Limit to only Identified Background IP created in the lab of the PI
  • IP must be disclosed to CoMotion
  • Background IP must be cleared for use by CoMotion

Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA)

When Boeing requires a PIA before you exchange Proprietary Information, Follow the Non-Award Agreement (NAA) eGC1 instructions. Include the draft PIA and all required documentation, and explanation of the information that will be shared. Before sharing UW Background IP, contact CoMotion.

Solicitation/Request for Quotes (RFQs) and Project Agreements

All Solicitation/RFQs and draft Project Agreements from Boeing are sent to the College of Engineering, Collaboration Core UW Boeing Focal Point: tbc-collab@uw.edu.

RFQ alone:

The UW Boeing Focal Point will forward to the PI/department.

The PI/department initiates the eGC1 process and sends the RFQ, proposal, budget and other relevant information to OSP. If UW Background IP is proposed as part of the project, you must contact CoMotion first to ensure it is eligible for sharing. Proposal materials containing Background IP will not be endorsed by OSP and eligible for submission to Boeing without CoMotion clearance.

If assistance is needed with contacting CoMotion or the eGC1 process, the Focal Point can provide guidance.

 RFQs accompanied by a draft Project Agreement:

At times, Boeing is actively involved in Statement of Work (SOW) development, which means the RFQ and draft Project Agreement are issued at same time.

The UW Boeing Focal Point will forward to the PI/department.

The PI/department initiates an After-the-Fact eGC1 and sends the RFQ, SOW, budget, draft Project Agreement and other relevant information to OSP. If UW Background IP is proposed as part of the project, you must first contact CoMotion to ensure it is eligible for sharing before it can be listed in the Project Agreement. Project Agreements listing Identified UW Background IP will not be signed by OSP without CoMotion review and concurrence.

Help for Boeing Projects

For more information on specific practice areas, budget preparation and pre-award support, please see the BARC website for more information, or contact the UW Boeing Focal Point: tbc-collab@uw.edu.

Other External Sponsors

Affiliated Institutions

The UW partners with a number of institutions in the region to accomplish a variety of research and health services. Review the special processes in place for:

Incoming Subawards

Incoming subawards happen when another institution (pass-through entity) receives funding from a sponsor (aka prime sponsor) and that institution subawards a portion of the work to the UW.

The pass-through entity must receive its award from the prime sponsor before sending a subaward agreement to the UW for our portion of the project. Review information on how to prepare an eGC1 for incoming subawards.

Administrative delays between the start date of the project and receipt of the subaward agreement are common. Use an advance request (ADV), as appropriate, to facilitate a timely start to UW project work.

The UW is a participating Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) Expanded Clearinghouse entity. Participating organizations agree to use FDP entity profiles to verify institutional information.

Review the UW’s FDP Profile.

Human Subjects Research Considerations

See the Human Subjects Division (HSD) website for information about all aspects of human subjects research.

Obtain Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval or an exempt determination before conducting any human subjects activities or spending any research funding on such activities.

Complete required training

Some sponsors require the PI and other research personnel to complete training in human subjects protections and/or Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training.

Register clinical trials

Studies that meet the definition of “clinical Trial” must register at ClinicalTrials.gov.

Other requirements

Any research that will involve subjects or data from federal correctional facilities must comply with the requirements of the Bureau of Prisons.