Scholar Budget Instructions
The following information is intended for RRF Scholar awardees who have been granted one quarter of release time.
Upon Receipt of the Award
For the Scholar portion of the award that supports faculty release time, the Office of Research waits to award these funds until close to the quarter of release. That way, the department can send accurate costs for the individuals hired to teach the courses.
RRF awards cover the cost of hiring replacement teachers, not the total salary for the faculty awardee during their release quarter. The RRF award is paid as a percentage of the awardee’s salary. See the example below.
If additional funds were awarded (student assistants, travel, supplies, etc.), those funds can be made available before the release quarter. Follow the procedures outlined in the Post-Award Instructions for the non-Scholar portion of the award.
Example for Setting up RRF Scholar Payment
Dr. Sara Smith received an RRF Scholar award and will not be teaching a regularly scheduled class, Math 124, during spring quarter. The department has hired Dr. Charlie Harris to teach Math 124 for Dr. Sara Smith.
At least 6 weeks before the start of spring quarter, the replacement salary information is prepared by the department and emailed to the RRF Team. Follow this format:
To: RRF Team, Office of Research
From: Administrator, Mathematics
Subject: RRF Scholar award for Dr. Sara Smith
Replacement teaching during Spring Quarter 2024 for Dr. Sara Smith will be provided by:
Name/Rank: Charlie Harris, Part-time Lecturer
Course Info: Math 124, Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 5 credit hours
Actual replacement salary (excluding benefits): $6,000
After reviewing your arrangements, the RRF Team will provide instructions for accessing grant funds.