UW Research

Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process (SNAP)

NIH Designated provisions that modify an award to streamline submission of information.

SNAP usually applies to “K” and “R” awards, R35’s are an exception.

The NoA will also often specify when SNAP does not apply. Awards excluded from SNAP are generally those without automatic carry over of unobligated balances:

  • centers
  • cooperative agreements
  • Kirschstein-NRSA institutional research training grants
  • non-Fast Track Phase I SBIR and STTR awards)
  • clinical trials (regardless of activity code)
  • P01
  • R35
  • and awards to individuals

Specific awards may also be excluded from SNAP if:

  • they require close project monitoring or technical assistance, e.g., high-risk grantees, certain large individual or multi-project grants, or grants with significant unobligated balances, or
  • the grantees with consistent late reporting or notification

Review more information:

NIH:  Streamlined Non-Competing Award Process.