University of Washington’s Proteomics Resource (UWPR)
The University of Washington’s Proteomics Resource (UWPR) provides access to state of the art LC-MS instrumentation and computational data analysis support.
The UWPR is offering analytical and instructional expertise in state of the art mass spectrometric techniques and data analysis with the primary aim of providing UW investigators with “hands-on” training and access to contemporary resources needed to develop and meet their proteomics research interests.
Type: Equipment/Services
Resources: Orbitrap Fusion Lumos, Orbitrap Fusion, QExactive Plus, Orbitrap Elite, Exploris480, TSQ Altis, TSQ Vantage. All instruments are equipped with nano UHPLC systems (Thermo EASY nLC or Waters nanoAcquity). Computer cluster for data analysis and storage.
Keywords: General
Proteomics Resource
Keywords: Specific
Proteomics Resource, Peptide analysis, LC-MS analysis, LC-MS analysis training, Data analysis, MS/MS database seach, Data analysis training