UW Research
SFI Review for Sponsored Research Progress Reporting
Who needs to disclose?
- Investigators who have no Significant Financial Interest (SFI) are only required to submit a Financial Interest Disclosure System (FIDS) disclosure for a progress report if they have not submitted any other FIDS disclosure in the previous 12-months.
- Investigators who have SFI and are participating in Public Health Service-sponsored research with progress reports directly submitted to the sponsor (e.g., NIH SNAP eligible Research Performance Progress Report).
- Investigators who have a SFI should use the ‘Annual Update’ pathway in FIDS to submit a “Related Disclosure” using the steps provided below.
How do I disclose?
- Log in to the Financial Interest Disclosure System (FIDS),
- In the ‘Investigator Details’ box click the ‘Create New Disclosure’ button,
- On the ‘Disclosure Type’ page select the option for “I need to add new SFI, change existing SFI, or for my annual update I need to reaffirm I have no SFI”, click ‘Next’ button,
- On ‘Disclose Significant Financial Interests’ page (options and steps):
- Editing existing SFI:
- Click the hyperlink for that entity in the ‘Name of Entity’ column,
- Make any needed changes, update summary as needed, click ‘Next’ button,
- To system prompt “This change will be applied to all disclosures that include this SFI that have not yet been reviewed by the Institutional Official” click ‘OK’ button,
- Deleting SFI:
- Click the hyperlink for that entity in the ‘Name of Entity’ column,
- Click the trash can icon (located on the right side of the green bar between the page title ‘Significant Financial Interests’ and container title ‘SFI Entity’),
- To system prompt “Please provide a brief explanation for why you are deleting this SFI Entry” provide a justification (e.g. activities ended >12 months ago, compensation was less than $5,000, etc).
- Adding new SFI:
- Click ‘Add new SFI’ hyperlink in ‘Significant Financial Interest (SFI) box,
- Add details, click ‘Next’ button,
- Once all changes are made, or if no changes are required, click ‘Next’ button
- Editing existing SFI:
- On ‘Complete Disclosure’ page:
- To relate this disclosure with ongoing research, under ‘Related Sponsored Research Projects’ heading select the box for ‘Click here if this disclosure also pertains to other eGC1s.’ Please note that your disclosure will be reviewed against each activity indicated and may therefore require additional processing time.
- Select any/all eGC1s for PHS-Funded research or related Non-PHS Funded research
- Add or revise your ‘Narrative’ statement,
- Click ‘Submit Disclosure’ button
How do I request review?
Investigators or their supporting administrators should submit a notification to fcoirep@uw.edu to indicate submission of a “Related Disclosure” or an indication that no disclosures are required. The Office of Research will reply if any additional actions are required.
Template Language
- One or more Investigators have submitted a “Related Disclosure” for a departmentally submitted RPPR. The original eGC1 for this research activity is A12345.
- No Investigators on a departmentally submitted RPPR have FIDS Disclosure requirements. The original eGC1 for this research activity is A12345.
- We are unsure if any Investigators on a departmentally submitted RPPR have FIDS Disclosure requirements, please review and provide guidance. The original eGC1 for this research activity is A12345. Any changes made to personnel on the research are listed here:
- Investigator 1 removed
- Investigator 2 added
For Questions or Verifications contact fcoirep@uw.edu
More guidance about FCOI at the University here.