NHERI Natural Hazards Reconnaissance (RAPID) Facility
The RAPID facility provides investigators with equipment, software, and support services needed to collect, process, and analyze perishable data from natural hazards events. The facility enables the natural hazards and disaster research communities to conduct next-generation rapid response investigations to characterize civil infrastructure performance and community response to natural hazards, evaluate the effectiveness of design methodologies, calibrate simulation models, and develop solutions for resilient communities.
The facility supports NSF funded and non-NSF funded users by (1) providing advisory and logistics services for research investigations, (2) maintaining, operating, and making available state-of-the-art data collection equipment, (3) developing and supporting the mobile application, RApp, for interdisciplinary field reconnaissance, (4) assisting users with data processing, analysis, and visualizations, (5) encouraging data reuse by archiving and curating data on DesignSafe-CI, (6) training a broad user base through workshops, one-on-one interactions, and virtual platforms, and (7) engaging the public by facilitating citizen science initiatives, as well as through community outreach and education.
Type: Equipment/Facilities/Services
RAPID Equipment Portfolio
RAPID User-Rates and Fees
Keywords: General
Natural hazards, disaster research, instrumentation, perishable data, reconnaissance, field deployment, data processing, data computing, damage assessment, coastal monitoring, ground investigation, social science data collection, surveying, drones, UAS, ground investigation, site characterization.
Keywords: Specific
3D point cloud data, DesignSafe, SfM, lidar, long range scanner, RApp, seismometers, aerial footage
General Inquiries
Joe Wartman: (206) 685-5303 / wartman@uw.edu
Jeff Berman: (206) 616-3530 / jwberman@uw.edu
Michael Grilliot, PhD: (206) 616-3318 / grilliot@uw.edu
Facility Email: uwrapid@uw.edu