UW Research
Instructions for Receiving Items
Instructions for Receiving Items
When you receive an item(s), please follow the instructions that best describe your scenario:
Scenario A: Item(s) are correct, not damaged, and there is a packing slip:
- Sign and date the packing slip
- Scan and email the Packing Slip to the front office (research@uw.edu)
- Recycle or put in shred bin if there is any confidential info
- The front office will digitally file the document
- The front office will dispose of records in accordance with the record retention schedule
Scenario B: Item(s) are correct, not damaged, and there is not a packing slip:
- Email the front office (research@uw.edu) the following info:
- Items received
- What vendor
- Name of person receiving it along with the date
Scenario C: Item(s) are correct, damaged, and there is a packing slip:
- Sign and date the packing slip and notate the damage
- Scan and email the Packing Slip to the front office (research@uw.edu)
- Email the front office the following info:
- What item(s) are damaged, missing, and/or incorrect and how many?
- How are the item(s) damaged?
- Name of person receiving it along with the date
- Where the item is being stored temporarily
- The front office will follow up with the vendor for next steps
- Recycle or put in shred bin if there is any confidential info
Updated: 11/10/2021