Center for Human Neuroscience
Understanding the human brain is one of the most exciting scientific challenges of the 21st century and UW is proud to be a world-leader in this field of research, bringing together researchers across the University of Washington who are collectively revolutionizing our understanding of the human brain in health and disease.
CHN has the only research-dedicated Siemens 3T Prisma MRI system in the State of Washington, thereby providing unique access to the premier research MR system with extensive peripheral equipment. CHN also provides access to high resolution EEG, fNIRS, and simultaneous EEG/fMRI equipment and expertise. We welcome researchers at UW and beyond, and are proud to offer both expert support, and state-of-the-art equipment dedicated to optimizing brain imaging research.
CHN also provides leadership in training the next generation of UW human neuroscientists. The next generation of human neuroscientists will have access to data of unimaginable richness and complexity. CHN helps ensure that UW maintains the shared infrastructure and training required during this transformative period of human neuroscience.
Contact Dr. John Pyles ( for more information, to schedule a tour, or to start a project at CHN.
Core Services Offered
- Siemens 3T Prisma MRI available to any UW researchers, non-profits, and commercial organizations on an hourly fee basis.
- This is the premier research MRI system providing Human Connectome Project (HCP) capabilities required by many research proposals.
- CHN offers HCP sequences including multi-band fMRI, navigator guided T1/T2, advanced diffusion, and spectroscopy sequences. Any C2P or WIP sequence available through the UW IDEA license can be obtained for researchers.
- Peripheral equipment includes high resolution MR compatible LCD display, multiple high-fidelity noise cancelling audio options, eye-tracking, a variety of response devices, and physiological monitoring. See full peripheral equipment list for details.
- A MRI compatible EEG system is available as well as fNIRS and standalone EEG.
- A full sized mock MRI is available with identical visual display setup and response devices as the Prisma MRI.
- Parking only 20 feet from the MRI suite is provided to studies as well as a comfortable waiting area and testing suites.
Data Management
- Included with the MRI scanning fee is transfer and permanent storage of data on CHN’s data management system provided by Flywheel.
- CHN provides data in BIDS format by default to facilitate data processing and sharing.
- Pre-processing routines such as fMRIPrep, Freesurfer recon-all, and QSIprep are available in Flywheel and included in the scanning fee.
Training & Outreach
- Consultation on experiment setup, parameter and peripheral choice, and other aspects of MRI research are available provided by CHN experts.
- CHN offers numerous opportunities for graduate student, postdoc, and undergraduate training in MRI research through workshops, courses, and hands-on experience.
- CHN supports the community by facilitating research on a variety of neurological conditions including anxiety, language delay, etc. etc.
Home College or School
College of Arts and Sciences
Collaborating College(s) or School(s)
College of Engineering, School of Medicine, and Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering