*Request External IRB Review
Use this form to request authorization to obtain IRB review from a non-UW (“external”) IRB instead of the UW IRB.
The form must be submitted as a Word document (not PDF or other format).
Change Notes
Revise FCoI question; add question about costs to subjects; add question about whether UW will provide GDS certification; remove question asking about legal validity of using REDCap outside of WA state – 01.30.2025
Update FDA Part 11 compliance statement for UW ITHS REDCap; add question about Short Form Consent – 12.23.2024
Minor clarification to audio recording RCW question – 11.29.2023
Revise and expand question on RCW for audio recording; clarify consultation question – 10.02.2023
Update hyperlink and add email address contact – 07.27.2023