UW Research

Application Submission & Review Process

New ESCRO Application for human embryo and embryonic stem cell research

This application must be submitted by the Principal Investigator and approved by the ESCRO Chair. Applications must be approved before funding can be used. View GIM 36 as well as Research and Review Categories for examples of research requiring ESCRO review. Use the link ESCRO Application Form to submit a new application. To report any changes, click on the same link to submit an Amendment to your existing application.

Amendments to approved applications

Amendments must be submitted by the Principal Investigator. Amendments to approved ESCRO applications include the changes below:

  • Changes in scientific experiments
  • Changes to the Principal Investigator
  • Addition of research ineligible for federal funding
  • Addition of hESC or hESC like lines
  • Changes to intended research

Use the Amendment form to report any changes meeting the above criteria.

Annual updates

Annual updates must be submitted by the Principal Investigators within a month of the annual anniversary of approved ESCRO applications. Use the Annual Update form to inform the ESCRO office of the types and sources of cells used in approved embryo and stem cell research.

Closed Studies

Closed studies are those that have concluded and where the cell lines and/or tissue will no longer be used. The Principal Investigator must complete the ESCRO Application Form to report a closure to an existing application.

The Financial Supplement form

The Financial Supplement form collects funding information for research ineligible for federal funding. Funding and Facilities Guidelines are currently under construction. For more information contact escro@uw.edu for information and guidance on cost allocation procedures while the guidance is being developed.

How to submit forms

Download applicable documents, complete, sign, and submit to: escro@uw.edu.

Review Types: Administrative or Full Committee 

New research, renewals, and amendments receive varying types of reviews depending on the types of research or requested change(s). Renewals that have not undergone any substantive changes since the initial application was approved may undergo administrative review at the discretion of the ESCRO Chair.

Administrative Review

Applications or Amendments that receive administrative review and approval generally are not reviewed by the full Committee but are instead reviewed and approved by the ESCRO Chair. The ESCRO Program Manager will work with the Chair to facilitate the review and approval process, which usually occurs within a few business days.

The Chair may determine that some applications and/or amendments may require full Committee or review by a subcommittee. The ESCRO Program Manager will communicate this determination to the Principal Investigator, if applicable.

Full Review

Some Applications and Amendments may require review by a full Committee, as determined by the ESCRO Chair. The ESCRO Program Manager will communicate if an application or amendment warrants this type of review as well as the meeting date review will occur. The ESCRO Program Manager will send detailed Committee findings to the Principal Investigator shortly after the meeting date.

Approved applications will be sent to the Principal Investigator and contact person, as well as any respective Oversight Offices (e.g., Office of Animal Welfare, Environmental Health, and Safety, etc.). The Principal Investigator is ultimately responsible for notifying respective Oversight Offices of any research undergoing ESCRO review and approval.

Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, managed by UW CoMotion, are considerations to consider when receiving or sending materials between UW and external institutions. For guidance, please consult this document, Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Guidelines.

Policy, Regulation, and Guidance

Forms, Tools, and Resources