UW Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question Owner Topic Download
Who do I contact with questions about my award?
How do I escalate an urgent sponsored research problem? ORC
What if budgets have multiple UW departments, different IDC rates and multiple sub-budgets? ORIS
Will we be able to modify UW IDC on subawards? EX: U grant with multiple Cores/Projects going to one subaward site. ORIS
Do converted PO numbers in Workday match my BPOs from Ariba? OSP
How do I know if an Award Line was created in Workday for my active subaward? OSP
What do we do if the subaward has an award line but does not show in the subaward status report R1218? OSP
How do you want campus to communicate the PO # to OSP Subawards? OSP
What should I review on the Supplier Contract & Purchase Orders to ensure accuracy? OSP
What is the difference between a Supplier Contract Number, a Subcontract Number, and the PO? OSP