UW Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Some very complex projects (I’m thinking U54s, or projects with multiple F&A rates) as well as some per-patient clinical trials that don’t have a set final amount are difficult to input in SAGE budgets. Do you have a plan to make that easier prior to this requirement change? ORIS
Staff Assignments: Do I need an eGC1, an Award Setup Request or a Modification? OSP
Subaward FAQs – 2023 OSP
Subawards Preparing for WD Finance – Questions from 5/19 MRAM OSP
Subrecipient, Contractor/Vendor, Consultant? OSP
Urgent OSP Requests: Award Setup, Modifications, and Subawards OSP
UW and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (FHCC) T32 Collaborations OSP
Washington National Primate Center (WaNPRC) F&A Rate FAQs OSP Rates
What about incremental awards, that are for less than a full year and/or cross budget periods? ORIS
What are some things to know about budgeting for the NIH data management and storage requirements at the UW? OSP