UW Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question Owner Topic Download
What does “in-kind support that involves a time commitment” mean? OSP Sponsor Requirements
Do we include gift funding as Other Support to NIH? OSP Sponsor Requirements
What are the NIH data security rules about investigators from other countries having access to NIH funded research data? OSP Sponsor Requirements
When an international graduate student’s salary and tuition are paid for by a foreign entity, does this need to be reported to NIH as Other Support? OSP Sponsor Requirements
Who do I contact at the Office of Sponsored Programs? OSP
Who is my OSP contact? OSP
NIH: Biosketch FAQs OSP
NIH: FAQs on Reporting Other Support OSP
UW and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (FHCC) T32 Collaborations OSP
Foreign Influence Through the Research Lifecycle OSP Rates