UW Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question Owner Topic Download
How do I know if a Supplier Contract and/or a Purchase Order was created in Workday for my active subaward? OSP
Should FHCC include a proposed subaward in its proposal to NIH? I have a joint appointment and FHCC will be applying for funding from NIH. I will be participating on the project but will carry out my component of the work at UW. OSP
What do I do when I receive an Award Setup Request created by OSP? OSP
What do I do if I see subaward conversion issues such as missing purchase orders, or incorrect dates and dollars? OSP
What SAGE Budget do we include for a Subaward? OSP
Subaward FAQs – 2023 OSP
How do I know which Modification Request type to choose? OSP
Subawards Preparing for WD Finance – Questions from 5/19 MRAM OSP
Foreign Influence Through the Research Lifecycle OSP Rates
UW and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (FHCC) T32 Collaborations OSP