UW Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question Owner Topic Download
Who sets up the award category figures in Workday?  ORIS
Are other aspects of award setup changing beyond using SAGE Budget when receiving an award for a Funding Action? Will departments be providing other details to inform the Funding Action? ORIS
How will clinical trial budgets be managed in SAGE Budget? ORIS
How will Advances be handled? ORIS
Who will be able to create a new award? ORIS
How will we be notified that the award has been received? ORIS
Does the new award process eliminate the one day delay in using/seeing budget numbers? ORIS
If both GCA and OSP are entering terms and conditions, how will you ensure that an award doesn’t get stuck waiting for someone to “submit” the next step to GCA? ORIS
Will cost share commitments be included in SAGE Award or is that submitted separately? ORIS
Within SAGE, is there going to be actual linkage between the years of a U01 (new budget number each year) rather than just a text field in an eGC1? That is, Will the AWD numbers and GC1 numbers be displayed and, ideally, clickable? ORIS