UW Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question Owner Topic Download
Is there anything from the eGC1 that cannot be changed on the award setup request form? (Perhaps the PI and the sponsor?) I.e., how do we avoid having a completely unrelated award attached to an eGC1? ORIS
It would be helpful to hear about the future state processes that will replace Transpasu’s and re-budgeting forms. When that information becomes available. ORIS
SAGE currently allows eGC1 visibility for any application that includes resources (human or other) in my org code. How will that work in the new system? For example, I need to see the various training grants across campus on which a faculty member is listed as a mentor. ORIS
Some very complex projects (I’m thinking U54s, or projects with multiple F&A rates) as well as some per-patient clinical trials that don’t have a set final amount are difficult to input in SAGE budgets. Do you have a plan to make that easier prior to this requirement change? ORIS
What about incremental awards, that are for less than a full year and/or cross budget periods? ORIS
What do I do when I receive an Award Setup Request created by OSP? OSP
What happens if the sponsor award is different than the budget we requested? For example, they reduced it overall or changed the amount in the consortium line? Will the department re-budget or adjust the SAGE Budget? What will the process be? ORIS
What if both campus and OSP receive an award? Who creates an Award Setup Request? OSP
What if budgets have multiple UW departments, different IDC rates and multiple sub-budgets? ORIS
What if the award has different project period dates than what was proposed in SAGE budget? ORIS