UW Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question Owner Topic Download
I will be a consultant on another University’s federal assistance award, does this make me a subrecipient on that award? OSP
I’m having problems downloading interactive PDFs, like the WORKSHEET Human Subjects Research Determination HSD
If both GCA and OSP are entering terms and conditions, how will you ensure that an award doesn’t get stuck waiting for someone to “submit” the next step to GCA? ORIS
If GCA returns the form to campus, when campus re-completes it, does it route to OSP again or back to GCA directly? ORIS
If one subrecipient participates in multiple components of a multi-project award (e.g. Project 1 & Core B), do we create one subaward worksheet in SAGE or a worksheet for each component? OSP
If we don’t use SAGE budget for proposals, can we input a summary SAGE budget by object class and spend category vs. a detailed line item budget? ORIS
In SAGE Award Activity Record will there be a record of each released amount within a non-competitive cycle in addition to the cumulative awarded amount so we can see how much and when those funds were made available? ORIS
In the case of a R01, funds are awarded each year. Will we be going into SAGE each year, copying the budget period to the award section, revising to match the award and submitting? Who is responsible for doing this? The department? ORIS
Is a guaranteeing budget number still required for SAGE Advances? ORIS
Is it considered prior approval when I report upcoming work in a foreign location within my RPPR and receive continuation funding for the next year? OSP Sponsor Requirements