UW Research
Frequently-Asked Questions

Urgent OSP Requests: Award Setup, Modifications, and Subawards

Information here will help guide you on how to get urgent Award Setup, Modification or Subaward requests to the Office of Sponsored Programs. If you have an urgent request for GCA, please review the GCA Urgent Requests guidance.

Award Setup and Modification Requests

Indicate in SAGE if there is a Sponsor Deadline

  • When there is an actual sponsor deadline, use the “Sponsor has a deadline for accepting the award” toggle on the item in SAGE.
  • Attach or include documentation from the sponsor about the deadline.
  • Use Comments & History to explain any context around the urgency.

Sponsor Deadline Toggle_SAGE

Check SAGE Regularly

Check SAGE regularly to see if an item was returned to you for more information. Review the Comments & History for comments that need your attention and whether a HOLD was applied.

Reach Out to Your OSP Reviewer

Reach out to your OSP reviewer directly if a sponsor deadline is approaching and you need an update or if there are new developments that impact the urgency.

Identifying Your OSP Reviewer

Both the Comments & History section as well as your Awards Request list will display name of the Reviewer handling your item. 

Escalate to Team Managers

OSP is committed to ensuring you get the information you need when we are reviewing an item. If you do not receive a timely response, please escalate to Team Managers:

OSP Contacts and Organizational Chart are always up to date.


There are different ways to escalate a subaward request depending on where the request is in the process.

  • Ensure all required steps are complete. If the related ASR or MOD is with OSP follow steps for urgent Award Setup and Modifications.
  • If the Subaward Request has a status of “IN OSP”, and needs prioritization, contact your Dean’s office research designee to add to the School/College prioritization. This list of prioritized subaward requests is shared with OSP. OSP will prioritize these items as determined by each School/College.
    • Subaward Requests that are in statuses of “Assigned” or “Issued” are already being handled by OSP and do not need to be escalated.

Subawards status is visible on your My Subawards page in SAGE under “Last Request Status”.

Do not send your urgent escalation requests to the OSP Subaward inbox.

Need an Assurance Letter for Outgoing Subrecipients?

Please do not ask for an Assurance Letter if your Subaward request has been prioritized through the escalation process, and is otherwise in “Assigned” or “Issued” status.

Subawards status is visible to a PI on the My Subawards page in SAGE under “Last Request Status”

Complete this brief Subrecipient Assurance Request form