UW Research
What tools and resources are available for award data and reporting?
The following tools and systems assist the research community with legacy and Workday Finance reports.
- Award Portal: Review up-to-date grant and contract information. Financial data does not include expenditure detail, which can be found in Workday. Learn more and log into the Award Portal.
- Award and Modification Workbook for Units: This excel workbook provides access to award and modification/amendment data (status, totals, etc) for units. Please contact grantrpt@uw.edu to access the excel workbook and the SQL query that forms the basis of the workbook. Watch a video demo of the workbook.
- Grant Reporting Tools:
- The Grant Planning and Forecasting Tool, Post Award Dashboard, and Principal Investigator Dashboard are available to support grant management.
- The Workday Grant Manager Dashboard is now available.
- Effort Reporting: Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC) is now live. Check out the Introduction to ECC video for a brief overview of our new certification system. For information on training, refer to ECC Training Timeline. For hands-on guidance, attend ECC’s weekly Office Hours.
- Grant Tracker: Use Grant Tracker to view information for awards that did not convert to Workday (i.e. awards closed before June 16, 2022). Grant Tracker will be in read-only mode effective July 7, 2023. If you need to contact GCA about an award that did not convert to Workday, please email gcahelp@uw.edu. Learn more and log in to Grant Tracker.
- MyResearch: As of July 6, 2023, MyResearch Funding Status and Non-Award Agreement (NAA) data may be out of sync with SAGE and Workday until MyResearch is remediated. Please use SAGE to review eGC1 and award status until further notice.
- New Workday Reports
- Research Administration Data (RAD): As of July 5, 2023, existing RAD reports are accessible but historical. Until new RAD 2.0 based reporting solutions are available, please request data from grantrpt@uw.edu until further notice.