UW Research

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms


In human subjects research, coercion occurs when an overt or implicit threat of harm (such as loss of services or access to programs to which the…

collaborative research

Research that engages more than one institution and for which there is a division of labor among the institutions (i.e., the institutions are not all conducting…

Commerce Control List CCL

15 CFR 744 The Commerce Control List is maintained by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), of the US Department of Commerce, as part of…

Commodity Classification Automated Tracking System CCATS

15 CFR 748.3(b)(3) The classification system administered by the US Bureau of Industry and Security in which a requestor can obtain the export control classification number…

Common Rule

A set of regulations governing research with human subjects that have been adopted by many federal agencies. Revised January 21, 2019. See: 45 CFR 46

compassionate use

One of several “expanded access” mechanisms established by the FDA to allow access to an investigational device for patients who cannot participate in a clinical trial…


See: payment


A legal term denoting capacity to act on one’s own behalf, including: the ability to understand information presented, to understand the consequences of acting (or not…

conditional approval

IRB determination that the applicable criteria for IRB approval on an item have been met based on the assumption that specific conditions will be met by…

Confidential Disclosure Agreement CDA

An agreement by which the parties agree not to disclose information shared. Related Resource: Sharing Information and Data