UW Research

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

respect for persons

As discussed in the Belmont Report the principle that individual autonomy be respected and that persons with diminished autonomy be protected. See also: Belmont Report

serious adverse event

See: adverse event

serious noncompliance

Noncompliance which meets any of the following criteria: Significant increase of the risks to, or jeopardize the safety, welfare, and/or rights of, one or more subjects…

short form consent process

This is an alternative method of obtaining and documenting consent, when a researcher occasionally and unexpectedly encounters a non-English-speaking subject in a study for which no…

significant risk device

An  investigational device that presents a potential for serious risk to the health, safety, or welfare of a subject and is: intended as an implant; purported…

Single IRB

This refers to a situation in which a single Institutional Review Board (IRB) is providing the review and oversight (i.e., is the IRB of record) for…

split review

This refers to a situation in which each engaged institution participating in a collaborative research study obtains its own Institutional Review Board (IRB) review for the…

subject identifier

Information that identifies the subject. Per federal human subjects regulations, any information that renders a person “readily identifiable” is a subject identifier. Under HIPAA regulations about…

subject payment

A term used broadly in the Human Subjects Division (HSD) documents referring to payment for study participation, for example: money, class credit, or gift cards.

therapeutic misconception

The purpose of a clinical trial is to evaluate an experimental therapy or intervention, not to provide therapy. Clinical trial participants, hoping for therapeutic benefits, may…