UW Research

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms


Employer Identification Number (the IRS tax ID number for UW)


Equipment Inventory Office Related Resource: UW Equipment Inventory Office  

Electronic Export Information EEI

15 CFR 30.1 The electronic export data as filed in the AES. This is the electronic equivalent of the export data formerly collected as Shipper’s Export…

Electronic Grant Application eGC1

Electronic internal compliance form that is routed with all grants and contracts for approval on campus before arriving at the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). Related…

emancipated minor

An emancipated minor is a child who is legally considered an adult. In Washington State, emancipated minor status is not automatic for those who have simply…


An embargo is a restriction on exports or imports with respect to the specific goods or ultimate destination of the shipment.

emergency medicine consent waivers

Refers to a waiver of consent for emergency medicine research that involves more than minimal risk to subjects and for which it is not possible to…

emergency use

The one-time clinical use of an investigational drug or device with a patient in a life-threatening or seriously disabling situation in which no standard acceptable treatment…

employee or agent

Refers to someone who: acts on behalf of an organization; exercises institutional authority or responsibility; or performs institutionally-designated activities.

Empowered Official EO

22 CFR 120.25 A U.S. person who: Is directly employed by the applicant or a subsidiary in a position having authority for policy or management within…