UW Research

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms


15 CFR 772.1 and 15 CFR 31.1 A person or entity who receives US-origin commodities and uses them or incorporates them into other commodities. The person…


An institution becomes “engaged” in human subjects research when its employees or agents: (1) Intervene or interact with living individuals for research purposes; or (2) Obtain…


Endowed Supplement (salary) Related Resources: UW Human Resources ENS Earning Types & Description


End of Day

eRA Commons

Electronic Research Administration Commons Online system for accessing and sharing grant information between grantees, federal staff and specific agencies. NIH, AHRQ, CDC, FDA, SAMHSA and the…


Electronic Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process Related Resources UW: Manage Reporting Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process NIH: Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process


Earth and Space Sciences

Exclusion and Exemption

Applies only to transfer/disclosure of information, not to physical objects being transferred or the provision of defense services. An exclusion allows a Information is in the…

exempt research

Research that meets the definition of “human subjects research” but that is determined by HSD to be exempt from the federal human subjects regulations because it…

expanded access

Expanded access is the term that refers to a group of FDA mechanisms allowing the use of an investigational drug or device outside of a clinical…