UW Research

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms


Final Technical Report Related Resource: Closeout Reporting

full board review

When proposed research does not meet the criteria for exempt status or expedited review, the research is reviewed at a convened meeting of the full Institutional…

Fundamental Research Exclusion FRE

22 CFR 120.11 and 15 CFR 734.8 Information arising from basic and applied research in science and engineering at an accredited institute of higher learning within…

Fundamental Research FR

22 CFR 120.34 and 15 CFR 734.8 Basic and applied research in science and engineering, the results of which ordinarily are published and shared broadly within…

Funding Action (FA)

Action type in SAGE/SPAERC generated to process an award given to the university. An FA transmits award information from OSP to Grant and Contract Accounting (GCA)….


Federal Wide Assurance


Government of Accountability Office


Grant Coordinator (UW Payroll)


NSF’s Grant General conditions eff. 10/01/10


Grant and Contract Accounting (UW) More information available from the GCA website.