UW Research

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

Authorized Signature

Signature of a university official who is designated to give assurances, make commitments, and execute documents on behalf of the University. See also: Authority to Sign:…

Automated Export System AES

15 CFR 30.1 AES is a nationwide system operational at all ports and for all methods of transportation through which export shipment data required by multiple…


An individual’s right to consider alternatives, make choices, and act without undue influence or interference of others. See: Belmont Report


An agreement that memorializes the terms and conditions between the University and the sponsor, in which the sponsor supports a specific scope of work carried out…

Award Document

This formal documentation from the sponsor outlines the financial contribution to support a special project. It includes terms and conditions. The award document must be followed…

Award End Date

The project period end date as specified in the terms and conditions of the award. Related Terms & Resources: Award

Award File

Files maintained at the unit level for award content. Related Terms & Resources: Award


Animal Welfare Assurance


Broad Agency Announcement

Background Intellectual Property

Generally, Intellectual Property (IP) not arising within the Project but of use to the Project, the rights to which are owned or controlled by the UW,…