UW Research

Continuing Review and Closure

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For an overview of the continuing review and study closure processes, review:

How to Submit Renewal or Closure Requests

Step 1: Create the Continuing Review in Zipline

  • Click Renew or Close in the study workspace
    • The study must be Approved, Lapsed, or Suspended for this action to be available.

screenshot of the renew or close button for a zipline study

Step 2: Complete the Modification/Continuing Review/Study Closure SmartForm page

  • HSD recommends creating 2 separate submissions instead of a combined modification and continuing review
  • Indicate that the purpose of the submission is continuing review and click Continue

screenshot of the continuing review purpose page

Step 3: Complete the Continuing Review/Study Closure SmartForm page

You will be prompted to acknowledge that the study will be closed if the first 4 research milestones are selected.

screenshot of a study closure request

Attach the completed Status Report form. If your study requires radiation safety approval, you should also attach your radiation safety renewal here.

  • Click the link to open the template
  • Complete the template and save it to your computer
  • Attach the template to the SmartForm, either using drag and drop, or by clicking Add

Click Save and Exit to leave the SmartForm and return to the submission workspace

Step 4: PI or PI proxy must submit

  • Click Submit under Next Steps in the Continuing Review workspace

Screenshot of the submit button for a continuing review

The continuing review transitions to Pre-Review state and is now in HSD’s queue for review.

screenshot of a continuing review in Pre-Review state